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FeedbackFruits and your Learning Management System
Create assignments, add students and configure groups.
40 articles
Toolpicker | ExplanationHow to use and navigate FeedbackFruits toolpicker
A collection of articles describing FeedbackFruits interactions with Blackboard
Adding a FeedbackFruits tool in BlackboardEasily integrate FeedbackFruits into your Blackboard course
How to configure LTI 1.1 for BlackboardAllow teachers to enrich their course with FeedbackFruits
Configuring the API for BlackboardAllow FeedbackFruits to sync enrollments and more
How to configure LTI 1.3 for Blackboard
A collection of articles describing FeedbackFruits interactions with Brightspace/D2L
Adding a FeedbackFruits tool in BrightspaceEasily integrate FeedbackFruits into your Brightspace course
How to configure LTI 1.1 for Brightspace/D2LAllow teachers to enrich their course with FeedbackFruits
Configuring the API for BrightspaceAllow FeedbackFruits to sync enrollments and more
Grading in BrightspaceThe current workflow of using grading in Brightspace and the connection to the Grade Center
How to configure LTI 1.3 for Brightspace/D2L
Cum Laude
A collection of articles describing FeedbackFruits interactions with Cum Laude
Adding FeedbackFruits tool to CumLaudeEasily integrate FeedbackFruits into your CumLaude course
A collection of articles describing FeedbackFruits interactions with Canvas
Adding a FeedbackFruits tool in CanvasEasily integrate FeedbackFruits into your Canvas course
How to configure LTI 1.1 for CanvasAllow teachers to enrich their course with FeedbackFruits
Configuring the API for CanvasAllow FeedbackFruits to sync enrollments and more
How to configure LTI 1.3 for Canvas
FeedbackFruits rubrics display in CanvasHow rubrics and grading in FeedbackFruits works within Canvas.
Microsoft Teams
A collection of articles describing FeedbackFruits interactions with Microsoft Teams
Adding a FeedbackFruits tool in Microsoft TeamsEasily integrate FeedbackFruits into your Microsoft Teams course
Installing FeedbackFruits in Microsoft Teams
How to create a 'group' in Microsoft TeamsHow can I create groups in Microsoft Teams when the group synchronisation is active?
A collection of articles describing FeedbackFruits interactions with Moodle
Adding a FeedbackFruits tool in MoodleEasily integrate FeedbackFruits into your Moodle course
How to configure LTI 1.1 for Moodle
Configuring the API for MoodleAllow FeedbackFruits to sync enrollments and more
How to configure LTI 1.3 for Moodle
Recording Audio, Video, and Screen in MoodleA breakdown of how to record audio, video, and screen in the Moodle LMS
Standalone 2.0 Platform
How to use platform
Logging in to the FeedbackFruits standalone PlatformHow do I login on the FeedbackFruits standalone Platform?
FeedbackFruits Standalone Platform: How to Add Students to a Learning ActivityAdding students per individual assignment or multimedia tool.
Setting up courses and activities in the FeedbackFruits standalone platformHow to create courses and learning activities in the platform?
Adding students to the FeedbackFruits platformHow to add students to your FeedbackFruits courses and learning activities?
How do I navigate to course groups on the platform?This article helps you navigate from 'my courses' to separate groups and explains how to create a new course.
Integration Guides
General information on LTI, API, and maintenance
Integrations: Synchronising Deadlines to Your LMS CalendarYour FeedbackFruits deadlines directly displayed in the calendar of Brightspace, Canvas or Blackboard
Integrations: How To Add the FeedbackFruits Platform Placement To Your LMSThis article explains how you can add a platform placement for accessing your libraries and/or portfolio. Find here instructions to do so.