When your institution makes use of the API integration, FeedbackFruits automatically sends the set deadline to the calendar in Blackboard, Brightspace or Canvas. This way students have the deadlines for FeedbackFruits assignments displayed within their deadline overview.
Deadline Rules
The deadline is sent to the LMS right after the assignment is saved.
If the deadline is adjusted from within FeedbackFruits, the new deadline is synchronized with the LMS calendar.
Checking Deadline Status - Within Assignments
There are task deadlines within the status dialog (read more here on status dialogues: How To: Check Sync Status of an Assignment/Grade) to show that a deadline has been synced with the LMS.
If you have multiple deadlines in one FeedbackFruits assignment, these are visible as multiple different deadlines in the LMS calendar, and are displayed with the name of the step (e.g. Give Feedback - [name assignment] or Read Feedback - [name assignment]). The name displayed here is the name set within FeedbackFruits, this could differ from the name set in your LMS.
It is possible to navigate from the calendar event to the FeedbackFruits assignment.
Note: If you delete an assignment, the deadline in the calendar is not automatically deleted. You need to manually delete the deadline in the calendar after deleting your FeedbackFruits (test) assignment.