Before proceeding with these steps, please inform your contact person or Pilot and Partner Manager at FeedbackFruits to ensure a smooth and safe process.
As mentioned in the API Primer, the API integration greatly improves the user experience for teachers using FeedbackFruits.
The Blackboard integration uses the REST API integration with a service account. A SOAP integration is no longer needed.
Configuring the REST API
Set up a system role
FeedbackFruits needs permissions to view courses, memberships, groups, group memberships, modules and users, and permissions to view and write calendar events.
Go to System admin, then click System Roles
2. Click Create Role
3. Fill out the required fields as you wish
4. Click Submit
5. In the list of roles, hover over the just created role, and open the dropdown menu with the arrow
6. Click Privileges
7. Select:
Administrator Panel (Courses) > Courses
Administrator Panel (Users) > Users
Course/Organization (Content Areas) > View Material Settings
Course/Organization > Groups > View All Groups
Course/Organization Control Panel (Users and Groups) > Users
Course/Organization Control Panel (Tools) > Calendar
Course/Organization Control Panel (Tools) > Calendar > Create Entry
Course/Organization Control Panel (Tools) > Calendar > Delete Entry
Course/Organization Control Panel (Tools) > Calendar > Edit Entry
8. Hover over Privileges, then select Permit Privileges
Set up the service account
Go to System admin, then click Users
2. Click Create User
3. Fill out the required fields as you wish
4. Give this user the just created system role
5. Click Submit
Enable the REST API integration
Go to System admin, then click REST API integrations
2. Click Create Integration
3. Fill out the fields
Application ID: d9f15e80-3b76-4fdc-b568-9fa3be92fccc
Learn User: The user you just created
4. Click Submit
You'll receive word from your FeedbackFruits contact to let you know if everything is working.
This concludes the Configuring the API for Blackboard tutorial.
βIf you have any questions or experience a technical issue, please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).