Before proceeding with these steps, please inform your contact person or Pilot and Partner Manager at FeedbackFruits to ensure a smooth and safe process.
As mentioned in the API Primer, adding an API integration greatly improves the experience FeedbackFruits can offer a teacher.
1. Navigate to Manage extensibility
2. Select the OAuth 2.0 tab and click Register an app
3. Fill out the fields
Application Name: FeedbackFruits
Redirect URI:
Scope: content:modules:read content:toc:read content:topics:read core:*:* grades:gradeobjects:read,write grades:gradevalues:read,write groups:group:* groups:enrollment:*
Check I accept the Non Commercial Developer Agreement
Click Register
4. Send the Client ID, Client Secret and URL of your environment to your FeedbackFruits contact along with a list of roles FeedbackFruits should recognize as a teacher. By default we recognize the following roles:
Data Admin
Sub Administrator
Super Administrator
This concludes the Configuring the API for Brightspace tutorial.
If you have any questions or experience a technical issue, please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).