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Getting Started: FAQ

Most frequently asked questions

Updated over a week ago

1. How do I add students to my assignments and how do I group them?

This depends on the type of integration. Details on how to add students to your FeedbackFruits tool based on the type of integration can be found here.

If you are from a partner university with full integration (LTI + API) that uses Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle or Brightspace, student groups are synced from your LMS. You can create these student groups in your LMS environment, and select within a FeedbackFruits assignment which students you would like to have to participate in the assignments. Details on how this works can be found here.

If you are not from a partner university, have limited LMS integration (LTI only), use a different LMS, students can navigate to the assignment within the LMS course. However, groups have to be created manually. Details on how to do this can be found here.

When using the website platform, students have to be invited manually. Instructions on how this can be done are available here. Groups also have to be assigned manually, information on how to do that can be found here.

When you are using FeedbackFruits for the first time, you might run into a screen saying 'syncing students and groups' when adding students to the assignment. Details on why this is the case can be found here.

2. When can I see who the students are reviewing?

When using a deadline in Peer Review and Group Member Evaluation, students are allocated reviews after the hand-in deadline is passed. Before that time neither you nor the students can see who they have to review.

When the 'allow late hand-in' option is enabled, students that hand-in after the deadline has passed will be allocated a review on a 'first-come, first-serve' basis. This way of allocating reviews is also the case when you have not set a deadline.

More information on how peers are assigned work can be found here.

3. How can I keep track of student activity in my assignments?

Once the students have made progress in the assignment the analytics window will become visible. Once the 'statistics per active students' are available, you can follow your students' progress in the statistics overview at the top of the assignment, or at the statistics overview at each respective assignment step. More information on how to navigate within the statistics and the analytics symbols is available here.

There is an option to download the statistics in a .xlsx file. You can download these analytics by clicking on the 'download' button in the introduction window of the assignment. This is especially useful for assignments that contain larger amounts of students. Details on how to download student analytics can be found here.

In some cases, student analytics seem to contain incorrect data for some learning activities. If this is the case for you, more information about this can be found here.

4. How can I see who the students are reviewing?

The easiest way to figure out who is set to review who is by downloading the assignment analytics in a .xlsx file as mentioned above. This download will become available only after the students have made progress.

This file provides a concise overview of all student activity in the assignment such as submissions, review comments and ratings.

5. Are students able to download the feedback they received?

Yes, both students and teachers are able to download feedback in PDF format. How to do this can be found here.

6. Can I delete a hand-in?

Hand-in's can only be deleted by students when the hand-in deadline has not yet passed. This can be done by clicking on the 'trash' icon on the far-right of the hand-in.

After the deadline has passed it is no longer possible for students to delete their submissions as that could interfere with the reviewing process.

7. Do I or students receive any notifications when the assignment is published?

Yes, FeedbackFruits sends out notification emails about things happening in learning activities. More information about when, how, or for what you receive notifications can be found here.

8. Can I view the assignment I just created as a student?

Unfortunately, the student view in some LMS's is not yet compatible with FeedbackFruits, meaning you cannot use this to go through the assignment yourself as a student.

For Canvas and Blackboard users we have a limited version of the student preview available. Read more about it here.

Alternatively, you can ask your admin to create a separate student account for you to use for testing, or you can ask our support team to check the assignment for you.

In addition, in our help center, you can search for articles which show you how the student perspective looks for a FeedbackFruits tool. You can find these by searching for ‘[insert name tool] + Student Perspective’.

9. Can I make adjustments in my assignment without removing anything?

Sometimes you want to edit or adjust your assignment after you created it, this is possible. By clicking on the three dots in the top-right corner of your assignment, you will open the edit screen which allows you to make changes to the assignment.

In case you are using Interactive Document, - Video, - Audio or Interactive Presentation, after adding your comments and questions it is still possible to change your file without removing the comment you have made. More details on this can be found here.

When you like to change the name of your FeedbackFruits assignment so that it is named the same within FeedbackFruits and your LMS, you can find more information about this here.

10. Can I copy an existing assignment?

You can easily re-use a learning activity which you have already set up in your LMS. Details on how to do this can be found here.

Also, when using Peer Review, Group Member Evaluation, Assignment Review or Skill Review, it is possible to re-use feedback criteria from a previous assignment. Find more information on how to copy criteria set here.

11. How can I solve calendar syncing issues with FeedbackFruits?

In some cases, you might have syncing issues between the LMS calendar and FeedbackFruits deadlines. Details on how to solve these can be found here.

12. What browser works best with FeedbackFruits?

We recommend using Chrome or Firefox, we discourage the use of Edge and Internet Explorer.

13. Which file types are supported?

An overview of which file types are supported by a FeedbackFruits assignment can be found here.

This concludes the Getting Started: FAQ tutorial.
If you have any questions or experience a technical issue, please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).

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