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Release Notes v2.65 June 2021

Assignments UX iteration 3: Teacher UX, Students choose who to review, Comment criterion new default criterion & functionalities out of beta

Updated over a week ago

(02-06-2021) The next release is scheduled in approximately three days. The release will contain the following:

  • Assignments UX iteration 3: Teacher UX

  • New allocation method: 'Students choose who to review' (feature flag)

  • Comment criterion is the new default criterion

We are graduating pre-announced functionalities out of beta:

  • Participation grading

  • Nudging (automatic feedback tips, completion checklist)

  • Flag-to-teacher

  • Group Member Evaluation UX update

Assignments UX iteration 3: Teacher UX

The following changes currently apply only to Group Member Evaluation and Peer Review assignments, that use the new review flow. This means that this UX will be active for all Group Member Evaluation assignments created after the release, all Group Member Evaluation assignments created before the release with the updated GME UX enabled, and for all Peer Review assignment that have the UX feature flag enabled.

A playlist that allows the teacher to navigate through the work the students/groups have done is now available for the submit, review and reflect steps.

Accessing the playlist: there are 2 ways to access the playlist

  1. Clicking on the "View all" button in the 'Everyone' row of the analytics tables. This will bring them to the corresponding task overview page.

  2. Clicking on the "View" button in the other rows of those analytics tables. This will bring them to the corresponding task's 'profile' page of that group/student. The button is only visible when hovering over the cell with the student/group name.

Navigating the playlist
When entering the playlist teachers will see 2 bars on the top of the screen. On the right of the top bar they can navigate through the playlist. On the left of the second bar they can switch between tasks.

  • First bar: on the right side of the first bar there are 3 buttons that handle the navigation for the playlist inside a task. Here teachers can go to the next and previous student/group. They can also see how many groups/students are left on the playlist. By clicking on the button on the middle, the one that says "Up next", a dialog showing the list of students/groups on the playlist will be shown, this way teachers can see an overview of what is coming next, and also it is possible to sort the playlist in a different order.

  • Second bar: on the left of the second bar there is a button that shows for which task is the current playlist. In order to switch the playlist to a different task they will need to click on the button and then select the desired task from the dropdown. When the teacher switches tasks they will land on the same position of the playlist. For example, if they were on the task overview of the submit task and they switch to the review task, they will land on the task overview of the review task. Or if they were seeing the profile page of Student 1 on the submit task, and they change to the review task, they will see the reviewing portfolio for Student 1. Note that the order of the playlist itself won't change when switching tasks. This is done to prevent teachers from losing track of where they are in the playlist.

Sorting the playlist
The order/sorting of the playlist is determined by the task through which the teacher enters the playlist. So, if you click on the View all button of the submit table, the playlist uses that sorting. As long as the teacher is on the playlist for that initial task, they can update that sorting in the dialog that shows the whole list of students/groups. As mentioned above, this is not possible when switched to another task than the initial task. When the sorting of another is wanted, teachers can go back to the assignment overview and re-enter the playlist from the task they want to use the sorting of.

Task overview

  • Submit task: this overview shows the number of files students handed in, whether all required files were handed in, and whether the files were handed in on time (in case there is a deadline)

  • Review task: this overview shows all given ratings per criterion, what used to be in a dialog that could be opened from the assignment overview when clicked on "Show criteria". This overview now also includes the self-assessment ratings and review feedback. An often heard request about these rating overviews, was the coloring of the cells. This used to be based on the absolute number of ratings, so within large courses this basically meant that all cells would be the same darker-blue color. This has now been fixed: with many ratings this coloring is based on the relative number of ratings, so it's easier to see the distribution just by looking at the colors.

  • Reflect task: this overview shows the same info as the review task, but then from the perspective of received ratings

Group "profile" page
When students work individually within a group, this page shows the same type of information as the entire task overview, but then only for a specific group. When students work as a group, this page shows the same things as a student profile page

Student "profile" page
In the submit task, this page shows all files handed in by a student (or in case of work as a group, by a group). In the review/reflect tasks, this page shows the same review matrix as before when inspecting a student's review work. Note that teachers only used to be able to see the received feedback of a student/group, but not easily the given feedback of a student. With the button to switch between tasks, this has now been solved.

New allocation method: 'Students choose who to review' (feature flag)

A new allocation method has been added that allows the students to choose who to review. This allocation method is available for Peer Review and Group Member Evaluation. Note: this allocation method is only available for teachers/institutions that have the beta feature Manual Allocations enabled.

By clicking 'change' at the Allocations setting at step 2 for Group Member Evaluation or step 3 for Peer Review. After selecting 'Students choose who to review', students will selects their review allocations once the review process has started.

Once the review process has started students will be able to select the student or group they want to review at the review step. Students will select the allocations one after another.

If the new Peer Review UX is enabled, students can select their next review from the review overview

After pressing select, the student will presented the list of possible students or groups the student can review. The student needs to select one and press the "Done" button to create the allocation. The students can search for a particular student in the menu.

Students are unable to select their own name or group and if the collaboration option is 'review outside group' the list has two levels, the groups and under them the students.

The allocation method is incompatible with some other assignment settings. It does not work with Submitter anonymity, as the student should know the student name in order to choose them for reviewing. The allocation method also does not work when students review as a group, because the group members will have the same review allocation.

The teacher will be unable to choose the allocation method when either of these options are selected. The teacher will be notified via tooltip about these incompatibilities.

Comment criterion is the new default criterion

When you save an assignment without having set a feedback criteria, a comment criterion will be added instead of the scale criterion. The comment criterion added is called 'Overall feedback' and requires at least one comment. Because a comment criterion is not gradable the default point distribution for Configurable Grading is differently:

  • Peer Review: the default for "Has written the minimum number of review comments" goes from 20 to 60

  • Group Member Evaluation: "Has written the minimum number of review comments" was 25, will be set to 65

  • Assignment review: "Has read all received feedback" was set to 40, will be set to 80.

  • Skill review: the default for "Has read all received feedback" was 60 before saving, and will now turn to 100 upon saving.

The total grading after saving should always be 100 points.

We are graduating pre-announced functionalities out of beta:

As announced, we will be graduating the following features out of beta this upcoming release:

The new review interface will be enabled as the default setting for all newly assignment created. Teachers will still be able to opt out by disabling the setting in the assignment if they wish to make use of the old review interface. Assignment created before the release will retain the old review interface.

This concludes the Release Notes v2.65 June 2021.
โ€‹If you have any questions or experience a technical issue, please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).

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