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Release Notes v2.64 May 2021

Group sets allocations, AM/PM format support, Notes for tasks and activities (feature flag), Self-assessment on analytics table & more.

Updated over a week ago

(06-05-2021) The next release is scheduled in approximately two days. The release will contain the following:

  • Group sets allocations

  • AM/PM format support

  • Self-assessment on analytics table

  • Notes for tasks and activities (feature flag)

  • Scratch-off mode for Quiz

  • LTI 1.3 Advantage Dynamic Registration

Pre-announcement for the next release (v2.65)

We are graduating pre-announced functionalities out of beta:

  • Participation grading

  • Nudging (automatic feedback tips, completion checklist)

  • Flag-to-teacher

  • Group Member Evaluation UX update

Group sets allocations

This feature requires a teacher to have our Manual Allocations feature flag enabled. If you are interested in trying it out please contact our support team or your partner success manager.

It will now be possible to use the group sets to restrict the allocations on Peer Review and Group Member Evaluation. This also enables the possibility to set up one large assignment for several group sets (subgroups), and have the feedback allocations be contained within the group set. You are only able to use this feature within an LMS.

To enable it you open the Allocations Method dialog at step 3 and enable use group sets at the bottom of the dialog, this is disabled by default. This setting becomes unchangeable once students start reviewing.

Using group sets for allocations is possible for all collaboration options except for:

  • Individually/Individually

  • Individually/Within groups

After enabling 'Use group sets', the teacher can click 'next' to configure how the feedback allocations will be organised with the use of group sets.

There are two ways in which students can get assigned:

  • Same group set: students/group can only be assigned to students/groups on their own group set

  • Different group set: students/group can only be assigned to students/groups on a different group set

AM/PM time format support

We now support AM/PM time format displays. For users in the North American region AM/PM time format becomes the default. Other regions will the keep 24h format as before.

Users can switch to their desired time format in the settings preferences.

Notes for tasks and activities (feature flag)

This feature is not enabled by default, if you are interested please contact our support team or your partner success contact.

Teachers are now able to add instructions inside of editors that are visible to other teachers. This allows for a lot more communication between course/assignment creators. Notes are not visible for students. Note can include attachments or voice recording, but can't be created without any text. This feature is not available to students.

You are able to add a general note to the assignment, as well as a note for each step or module of an assignment. For more in depth information about this feature you can read this article.

Self-assessment on analytics table

An extra column has been added to the teacher analytics table of the review and reflect steps of Group Member Evaluation and Peer Review. The column is called "Self-assessment rating" and it shows the same values on both steps. It was placed next to the "Review avg. rating" so the teachers can easily compare those two factors.

Scratch-off question mode for Quizzes.

A new mode has been added to the Quiz tool. When this mode is enabled, instead of a regular multiple choice question, they questions behave like a 'scratch-off question'. This means that students have multiple attempts at answering a question correctly. For every wrong answer the score is halved.

To use it make a Quiz and enable scratch off mode in the settings.

Note that open questions are not allowed when 'scratch-off mode' is enabled. It’s possible to switch between modes only when there are no open questions present and no student has started the quiz yet. As soon as there is student progress the mode is locked. Additional information on this scratch-off mode and its benefits can be found here.

LTI 1.3 Advantage Dynamic Registration

Registration of LTI 1.3 in Brightspace and Moodle is now a lot easier. We can provide admins with a registration url that they can use and the tool will install itself, also on our side. They only have to fill out their contact details.

Admin manuals on our help center will be updated after later releases, if you would like to more information about LTI 1.3 Advantage Dynamic Registration please contact your partner/pilot success manager or your contact person from the team.

Pre-announcement for the next release (v2.65)

In our previous release we announced that three functionalities (Participation grading, Nudging & Flag-to-teacher) would be graduating out of beta this release. However, instead of these functionalities graduating out of beta this release, they will be doing so in the next release together with an additional fourth functionality: Group Member Evaluation UX update.

Group Member Evaluation UX update

At the moment, teachers that have this feature flag enabled are able to opt in to the new review interface via the assignment settings. After our next v2.65 release the updated review interface in Group Member Evaluation will become available to all users.

The new review interface will be enabled as the default setting for all newly assignment created. Teachers will still be able to opt out by disabling the setting in the assignment if they wish to make use of the old review interface. Assignment created before the release will retain the old review interface.

If you are interested in trying out the updated interface before the v2.65 release, please contact our support team.

This concludes the Release Notes v2.64 May 2021.
If you have any questions or experience a technical issue, please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).

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