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Release Notes v2.67 August 2021

Better support for video uploads from URL, Time Windows for Quiz, Team Based Learning, Combined analytics for assignment chains & more.

Updated over a week ago

(27-07-2021) The next release is scheduled in approximately three days. The release will contain the following:

  • Better support for video uploads from URL

  • Time windows for Quiz

  • New: Team Based Learning tool.

  • 'Never reveal answers' option for Quiz and Team Based Learning

  • Combined Analytics for assignment chains

  • Group Contribution Factor: Teachers can quickly apply suggested adjustments

  • Updated feedback exports design

Better support for video uploads from URL

Improvements have been made on our current media scraper, increasing the amount of streaming platforms that can be supported when uploading video link in, for example, Interactive Video.

This means that we now support the use of Kaltura videos and various other websites that use the m3u8 format as long as the videos are publicly available.

Time windows for Quiz

Like in Interactive Study Material, teachers can set an opening and closing time/date for a Quiz for students.

A deadline will be visible on the assignment as well as the consequences that the deadlines have on being able to participate in the Quiz.

New: Team Based Learning tool.

This tool is available behind a feature flag, please contact our support team or your partner success contact if you would like to have access to the tool.

This is a 'test version' of the final product, some functionalities are currently missing (and will be added soon) in order for the tool fully facilitate Team Based Learning

This feature makes team based learning its own tool in the tools list when creating a new activity. This consists of an Individual Readiness Assurance test (iRAT) and Team readiness Assurance test (tRAT). The tool thus creates two tasks sharing the same set of questions, one task meant for iRAT, one for tRAT.

Team Based Learning assignments can only consist of multiple choice questions.

Team Based Learning is a pedagogical practice that allows teachers to go beyond rote memorisation of knowledge. In its essence, TBL focuses on giving students the possibility to apply their knowledge to solve single or multiple problems in a group context. It provides students with the opportunity to work in groups with multiple chances of self- assessment and revision. The main elements of Team Based Learning are:

  • Individual Readiness Assurance test (iRAT): students individually complete a multiple choice quiz based on the material they have read → no answers revealed yet.

  • Team readiness Assurance test (tRAT): students answer the same multiple choice questions but now in teams while discussing/negotiating. Often they use IF-ATs (scratch off) questions which provide rich corrective feedback.

'Never reveal answers' option for Quiz and Team Based Learning

Teachers can now set the answers to never be revealed for students in a non-scratch off Quiz. In Team Based Learning this this is always the case in the iRat task, where answers will never be revealed.

When this option is selected, the answer in multiple choice questions and open questions will never be shown to a student and only to a teacher. This setting is not available for scratch off questions since it defeats the purpose of having multiple rounds of answering when you never get to see the result.

Combined analytics for assignment chains

As an addition to our Assignment Chaining feature flag the analytics of chained assignments can now be seen as in an overview.

The analytics table will be added to the chain overview page and adds a download button for its own excel export. The data is aggregated information for the assignments and the separate tasks and steps they have.

Group Contribution Grading: Teachers can quickly apply suggested adjustments

This is an feature added to our feature flag Group Contribution Grading for Group Member Evaluation.

For this feature to show up Group contribution factor has to be enabled and the students need to collaborate in subgroups.

With this added feature, teachers can now easily apply the suggested adjustments on the grading table:

  • For all students: by clicking on the arrow icon on the table header. A confirmation dialog will appear explaining what will happen and that this action can't be undone

  • For all students on a subgroup: by clicking on the arrow icon on the subgroup row.

  • For just one student: by clicking on the arrow icon on the student row.

Updated feedback exports design

The feedback PDF export, both given and received feedback, have gotten a design overhaul. This new export design is available for everyone and replaces the old version. These changes are purely visual.

This concludes the Release Notes v2.67 August 2021.
If you have any questions or experience a technical issue, please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).

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