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Discussion on Work: For Teachers
Discussion on Work: For Teachers

How to review student activity in Discussion on Work?

Updated over a week ago

This article will guide you through our Discussion on Work tool and its possibilities. This article is written to help you to enhance your understanding of the functionalities of this tool. 

In this article, a demo assignment with student activity shall be shown to let you see what the tool looks like when it's filled with activity. 

Discussion on Work with student activity

Now we will see what the assignment looks like when students have completed it. 

Overall student progress 

At the top of the assignment, you will see the overall student progress overview. You can see how many students have completed the assignment, how many comments students placed on average and the total number of upvotes. If you press export analytics, a excel file will be downloaded in which all the assignment analytics are available.

Click on Statistics per active student to see individual students' progress. Here you can see if the students have read instructions, handed in their assignment, participated in discussion the total number of comments they wrote and received, how many upvotes they have given and received and if they have reflected on the discussion. You can expand this table by clicking on the Fullscreen button.


After the instructions in step 1, you can see who completed their hand ins and if they handed in on time in step 2. If you click on the document icon on the right, you can view the deliverable of the students. You also have the possibility to download all submissions

Plagiarism check (beta feature)

If you have turned on the Plagiarism check functionality while setting up the activity, here you will see the plagiarism results. Please see more about how to interpret the plagiarism check percentages here. Note that students will not see these results from their end.

This functionality is in beta and requires configuration from an LMS admin and FeedbackFruits. If you are interested, please inform your contact person or Pilot and Partner Manager at FeedbackFruits to guide you through the integration. Read more about FeedbackFruits and Turnitin here.

Submissions: Accessibility

With any comment, instruction, submission or within our interactive study materials you have the possibility to add alternative accessible files as attachments. These options are:

  • Subtitles

    • We auto generate subtitles based on the submitted file - you can download and edit the subtitle file if you want to make changes.

    • Subtitles can also be uploaded by the user - if you want to add subtitles for your own instruction media instead of using the ones auto generated by FeedbackFruits, you can do so.

  • Audio description

    • You can record an audio description within the FeedbackFruits tool.

    • You can also create and attach an audio descriptive file yourself.

  • Text description

    • You can write a text description for any images or videos.

How will this look?

As a submitter:

When submitting a file, by clicking on the three dots on the right, you can click on 'Manage accessibility'. You will be presented with a pop-up indicating the accessible alternatives you can upload. You can easily upload or autogenerate your subtitles, upload or record audio, or add a text description in the same fashion as in other multimedia attachments in FeedbackFruits. A tag with the accessibility icon will appear next to the submission. You can manage accessibility any time.

Managing accessibility in submitted files.

Adding accessible alternative attachments.

As a reviewer:

In the submission step, next to the uploaded file, if accessible alternatives have been added, a green-tagged chip with the Accessibility icon will appear indicating the amount of accessibility alternatives available for that file type.

When inside a submission, by clicking on the top right corner 3 dots or the accessibility icon, the user can access the accessible alternatives.

Peer discussion

Step 3 offers you the possibility to see which students have been discussing work from their peers by reading, responding, and upvoting replies. If your click on the Go to the discussion button, you will be able to see the overall progress. We will talk about this a bit further down.

In this step you can also grant extensions or change the deadline as needed.

Finally, the keyword insights feature will provide you with the most popular topics or words your students mention in a learning activity. This includes reviews, comments, and discussion threads. If you click on a word, you will see an overview of all the comments that contain this precise keyword. You can click on the comment and be driven to the precise context of the comment.

When you press the Go to the discussion button, the instructions by the teacher on the peer discussion are shown, along with the works of the students. Step 4 will elaborate more on the options a teacher has in this window. Press the top left arrow to go back to the assignment overview. 

Open discussion

Step 4 shows you the statistics on the open discussion. You can see that 2 out of 6 students have completed this part of the assignment. The students who have not finished this part, have 0 participation in extra discussion and 0 total comments. They have received comments, but not contributed themselves.  To see the contribution of all the students, press go to the discussion

When you have pressed this button, the following screen will appear. At the top, the teacher's instructions are shown. Further down, the students' contributions are visible. You can sort these according to your preference. They are now sorted on most commented on first. It now only shows three comments. If you want to see them all, press oldest

Let's zoom in to the top part. Student Ash Fisher handed in a paper. You can see that the total number of comments is 4 and she also received 2 upvotes. As said above, you can press show older to see all. If you press the comment button, it will collapse or reveal the comments. If you press in the thumbs up icon, you can upvote the submission.
If you move your mouse across the deliverable on the right side, it will say show. When you press this, you can see the document that Ash Fisher has handed in, on which other students are commenting. 

Here you can see the document and the students' comments. On the right you see the task bar with an overview of the student comments. You can see if students reacted on each other or if they upvoted. On the second page of the document you can see that a student made an annotation. If you click on the annotation, it will direct you to the associated comment Or, you can press the grey comment icon. If you click on the pen in the bottom-right part, you can add a general comment.
Press the arrow in the top-left to go back to the open discussion page.

Reflection of the discussion

Finally step 5 provides you with an overview of who has reflected on the discussion.

To see the specific reflection, just click on the green round sign. 

This concludes the Discussion on Work | Teacher Perspective tutorial.
If you have any questions or experience a technical issue, please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).

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