Assignment Review: For Teachers

How to review student activity in Assignment Review?

Updated this week

This article will walk you through how you can monitor your students' progress, view and download their submissions, and most importantly: how to provide feedback to your students.

Student Progress Overview

At the top of the assignment, you will see the Overall student progress overview. Click on Statistics per active student to see individual students' progress. Here you can see if students have read the instructions, handed in their work, read their feedback and finally, if students have written their reflections, if enabled.

It is also possible to export all the student data into an Excel file. This file contains information concerning student uploads, review ratings, review comments and grading. You can download this export by clicking on the purple “EXPORT ANALYTICS” button in the overall student progress window.

Step 1: Instructions

Here you'll see the instructions you set when you configured the assignment. You can change these by clicking the purple [edit] button in the top-right corner of the screen. 

Step 2: Submissions

Here you can see which students’ have completed their hand-in. It also provides information on whether it is handed in on time and how many days prior to the deadline. If the deadline has passed, but you want students to be able to still submit their work, you can edit the assignment, and either change the deadline, give a deadline extension to a specific student or enable allow late hand-in).

The files handed in shows the documents that the student has submitted.

Submissions: Accessibility

With any comment, instruction, submission or within our interactive study materials you have the possibility to add alternative accessible files as attachments. These options are:

  • Subtitles

    • We auto generate subtitles based on the submitted file - you can download and edit the subtitle file if you want to make changes.

    • Subtitles can also be uploaded by the user - if you want to add subtitles for your own instruction media instead of using the ones auto generated by FeedbackFruits, you can do so.

  • Audio description

    • You can record an audio description within the FeedbackFruits tool.

    • You can also create and attach an audio descriptive file yourself.

  • Text description

    • You can write a text description for any images or videos.

How will this look?

As a submitter:

When submitting a file, by clicking on the three dots on the right, you can click on 'Manage accessibility'. You will be presented with a pop-up indicating the accessible alternatives you can upload. You can easily upload or autogenerate your subtitles, upload or record audio, or add a text description in the same fashion as in other multimedia attachments in FeedbackFruits. A tag with the accessibility icon will appear next to the submission. You can manage accessibility any time.

Managing accessibility in submitted files.

Adding accessible alternative attachments.

As a reviewer:

In the submission step, next to the uploaded file, if accessible alternatives have been added, a green-tagged chip with the Accessibility icon will appear indicating the amount of accessibility alternatives available for that file type.

When inside a submission, by clicking on the top right corner 3 dots or the accessibility icon, the user can access the accessible alternatives.

Plagiarism check (beta feature)

If you have turned on the Plagiarism check functionality while setting up the activity, here you will see the plagiarism results. Please see more about how to interpret the plagiarism check percentages here. Note that students will not see these results from their end.

This functionality is in beta and requires configuration from an LMS admin and FeedbackFruits. If you are interested, please inform your contact person or Pilot and Partner Manager at FeedbackFruits to guide you through the integration. Read more about FeedbackFruits and Turnitin here.

To view a student submission, please hover over the student name or click on the file button. You will be taken to the following page:

Note that If the student submitted a video, you will see the video player instead of the document.

Step 3: Give feedback on student work

You can start this process by either clicking the purple [Start Reviewing] button or if you would like to review specific students or are working together with another instructor, you can start by clicking the name or submission of the student you'd like to review.

If you've selected the collaboration option hand in work individually, show in groups, the students will be displayed in groups, allowing each teacher to easily select the students from groups they've been assigned to review.

Giving feedback

  • At the top you will see the student's name and the progress you have made in their assignment review.

View and annotate submission(s)

  • This will open a new screen where you are able to open the submission of the student and annotate the file.

Provide feedback

  • You can provide feedback as a 'Comment criterion', 'Rubric points', or 'Scale rating'. You can easily interact with our ratings widget, clicking on the rating or point you wish to give to your students.

    If your comment concerns the document as a whole rather than a specific section, you are able to write the feedback here, without the need to 'View and annotate'.

Review progress

  • This is the end of the review step. You are able to exit the screen by pressing the arrow button on the top left or continue to the next student by pressing the [next student] button on the top right.

Note: a smaller version of this screen will show up on the right when you open the student's submission.

Students can comment on your feedback. Click here, for an explanation on how to respond to such comments. 

Step 4: Received reviews

In this step, you will see which students have completed reading their received reviews, which students still need to read all received feedback and which of the students have not started yet.

Step 5: Reflections on the assignment

Writing a reflection is a valuable step to end an assignment with. The student can for instance write a reflection on how the whole process of giving feedback went. The teacher sees this reflection in an overview in step 5 as shown in the image below.

Here, the teacher can see which groups and specific students have made progress on completing their reflection. Only students and groups with progress in this step are shown. To view all of their reflections, press the [view reflections] button. If you'd like to read the reflection of a specific student, clicking on [view] next to the name of the student will show you their reflection.


By default, the grading module is enabled, which you will find at the final step. In the image below, you can see how this will look like. If you have enabled multiple grading facets for this assignment, you can scroll left and right to view the rest of the grade sections. At the far right, there is also an 'optional grade adjustment' . You can add or subtract points for each student.

This concludes the Assignment Review Teacher Perspective tutorial.
If you have any questions or experience a technical issue, please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).

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