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Troubleshooting: Common Errors & Issues
Troubleshooting: Common Errors & Issues

A list of our common error codes and how to solve them.

Updated over 4 months ago


In this guide we will discuss some common error messages you might encounter when using our tools and how to proceed when getting one.

Please check this page for solutions when you run into an error code - if any of the proposed solutions don't work for you, please reach out to our support team via chat or emailing us at [email protected].

Error Types & Solutions

General Troubleshooting Steps

Below you'll find information outlining common error codes and their solutions. Before checking a specific error code, please try the following general troubleshooting steps as these can solve the vast majority of issues:

  • Ensure your operating system and browser are up to date

  • Clear your cache and refresh the page

  • Log out and in again

  • If you're using a VPN, disconnect and retry

  • Try opening the URL in an incognito browser

  • Check your browser plug-ins to see if any are blocking access (AdBlocker etc.)

Browser/OS Errors

Depending on the version of browser or operating system you use, you may run into some errors on our platform - FeedbackFruits works best when using Chrome, though the latest version of other browsers shouldn't pose any issues.

What Browser Versions Do We Support?

  • Most recent version of Firefox

  • Oldest Safari on macOS >= 10.12.1

  • Oldest Chrome on macOS >= 10.12.1

  • Oldest Chrome on Windows >= XP SP 3 (Automatic Root Certificate Update should not be manually disabled)

Common Browser/OS Errors: Compatibility Issues

If the issue is not resolved, it might be that your device is running on an older operating software which can no longer ensure a safe connection. This is related to our encryption service updating their security certificates, read more about that here. For the full device compatibility list, click here.

Most devices are still supported as long as they do not run on outdated operating software. Due to our security settings, you will need OS X version 10.12.1 or higher (for Mac) & XP SP3 or higher (for Windows).
โ€‹If you're not getting automatic updates in your Apple store, you can manually install a newer version of OS X. You can find the downloads for the different versions here.
If you are unable to update your operating software, using a version of Firefox higher than 50, should also work, as "Browsers (Chrome, Safari, Edge, Opera) generally trust the same root certificates as the operating system they are running on. Firefox is the exception" (Let's Encrypt).

'Something Broke' Errors

From time to time you'll run into an error with a Something broke header. The specific error type can be found in error text directly below the header. If there's no specific error text, don't worry - after trying the general troubleshooting steps, reach out to our support team who will be happy to help.

Below you can see our most common error types, their causes and solutions:

Error Message

Example Image (Click to Expand)

Common Cause


Something broke: Courses.invitation.not_found

You may be logged in with the wrong email, or you have not been added to the course correctly.

Check if you are logged in with your correct institutional email.

If you are using your institutional email, please contact the course administrator at your institution to make sure you were added to the course.

Something broke:

An unknown error occurred on the LTI request

There's a mismatch between your learning management system (LMS) and your FbF settings.

This error often happens if you have multiple FeedbackFruits tabs open - make sure you only have one open tab at a time.

This issue usually goes away on its own once the page is refreshed and duplicate tabs are closed.

โ€‹Something broke: Invalid LTI user roles: [Role as per your institution]

Your user role is not configured correctly on your LMS, or there's a mismatch in your user roles in your LMS and FeedbackFruits.

First, check your course enrolments to see what role has been assigned to your account. If you're a student, ask your teacher to take a look for you.

By default, FeedbackFruits recognizes Instructor and Student roles. If you have a custom role within your LMS, reach out to support so that we can make a note of this in your environment.

Something broke: Auth://Callback

There's an authorisation issue between FeedbackFruits and your LMS.

This error is usually caused by an outdated/incompatible operating system or browser, and can be fixed by updating them or trying a different computer/phone to access the assignment if possible.

Something broke: Email is not present on LTI request

The email you're trying to access the FeedbackFruits assignment with is not present on your institution's LMS.

Student: You can reach out to your teacher to check if your email has been correctly added. Also double check the email you are trying to access the assignment with.

Teacher: Please check if you have the correct teacher rights in the course. Make sure to check with the LMS integrators of your institution whether your role permissions are set up correctly.

Something broke: Multiple valid users found for this identity

This error is caused when you have more than one account registered in our database.

Please contact support who can merge your duplicate accounts.

To avoid the same situation in future, make sure you use the same FeedbackFruits profile across all of your courses and avoid re-registering multiple times.

Something broke: No valid placement could be found for this code: [your code here]

The assignment has been set up as a direct copy of a course within the institution's LMS, rather than using the copy from existing or template functionality within FeedbackFruits.

Please remake the activity using our template function or copy from existing. Copying activities and courses directly from your LMS can create a faulty course placement.

Could not find the deployment based on the ID: [your ID code here]

Your FeedbackFruits integration setup has not been completed.

Please contact support - make sure to copy and paste the deployment ID you have received in your error message in the chat/email, along with a screenshot of the error.

If you know who from your institution is responsible for FeedbackFruits in your LMS, you are welcome to make them aware.

Our integration team will work with your IT department to resolve this error.

Other Error Codes

Error Message

Example Image (Click to Expand)

Common Cause


You're here early - this learning activity isn't published yet.

Either the activity you're trying to access isn't published yet, or you're logged in with the wrong account (this is common if your institution uses Microsoft Teams with another LMS, like Canvas or Brightspace).

Check with the owner of the activity at your institution to see if it's meant to be available to others.

If the activity is published and shared, then click on the logout button under the error message and log in with your institutional email. Once you refresh the page, you should have access.

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