This article will provide you with an overview of the teacher's perspective of our Team Based Learning tool. If you would like to be taken through all the steps of setting up a TBL activity, we have the following article available for you.
Student Progress Overview
In the top-right corner of the screen, you have the option to go full screen or to open the assignment in a new tab to display the activity in a full-screen mode. Click the three dots to access the edit-mode of the activity if desired.
At the top of your Team Based Learning activity, you will be able to see the Overall student progress overview. By clicking on Statistics per active student, you will be able to see the progress of individual students. Here you can see how students scored on the iRAT and tRAT step respectively (individually) as well as how they scored in comparison to both steps. You will also be able to see details in regards to how individual questions were answered.
By clicking on the headers in each column, you will be able to change the order (ascending or descending) in which students will be displayed.
It is also possible to export all the student data into an excel file. This file contains information concerning student answers, both individually and as a team. Simply click the "export analytics" button.
Step 1: Instructions
If you've added instructions while setting up the activity, they will appear for you as the first step of the assignment. If they have not been added, simply navigate to the edit mode, click the green "+" button at the bottom of the activity and select the instruction module.
Step 2: iRAT (Individual Readiness Assurance Test)
Here you will be able to see all questions that have been added for the iRAT (and simultaneously the tRAT seeing as the questions are the same for both steps). Answers for this step will not be visible for the students during this step.
If a time window has been added for this step, this will be shown below in the settings, as visible in the screenshot below.
By clicking "View Questions", you will be able to see all questions that were added, along with the answer options and the correct answer.
Step 3: tRAT (Team Readiness Assurance Test)
Similar to the step above, you will be able to see a potential time window that has been added, where you have the option to extend the deadline or close it prematurely.
By clicking "View Questions", you will be able to see all questions that were added, along with the answer options and the correct answer.
In case a grading module has been added to this activity, this will be available at the bottom of the activity. Here the scores per team, or per student will be visible along with the corresponding grade.
If the grades are to be published into the LMS, you can do so by manually clicking publish grades or by setting a date on which the grades will be automatically published.
This concludes the Team Based Learning I Teacher Perspective tutorial.
If you have any questions or experience a technical issue, please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).