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Quiz: For Teachers
Quiz: For Teachers

This article is a step by step guide for teachers on using our Quiz tool, with all information any teacher needs to get started.

Updated over a week ago


In this article we will walk you through how to use Quiz from the perspective of a teacher.

If you’d like more general information on how this tool works, as well as the pedagogy that drove us to add a scratch-off mode, you can check out the overview article here:

Tool In Action

Step 1: Instructions

To add instructions, scroll to the bottom of the edit interface and click on the white + symbol in the green circle at the bottom left.

Image showing a green circle with a white plus icon in the centre - next to it is a textbox saying "by clicking here, you can add different modules to your learning activity to increase diversity and student engagement".

Clicking on add next to instructions will populate a textbox at the top of the edit page.

Note - if you want to add a multimedia instruction (e.g. voice recording), you can do so by clicking add items on the bottom right of the instruction box. Here are the options you can choose from:

Image showing the options available for file addition - shown are record audio, record video, record screen and attach a file.

Step 2: Setting up Quiz

When setting up a new quiz, you will be greeted with the following screen after clicking on V in each section to toggle all areas to open:

Image showing set up page for a new quiz - visible are options to enable scratch off mode, set scheduling deadlines, create student collaboration options and general configuration around visibility of correct/incorrect answers. At the bottom left is the green circle around a white + button to add new modules to the assignment.

From here you can set scheduling deadlines for when the quiz assignment opens and closes to students. Your options for students can start on this task are immediately, after a certain date (which pulls up an option to select the date in question) and after opening manually.

For this task closes your options are never, after a certain date (which pulls up an option to select the date in question) and manually.

For student configuration, you can either set the students to participate individually and show the results of each individual or answer as individuals and show their results in set groups - these groups can be configured to pull from within your LMS.

Visibility lets you customise whether or not you want students to be able to submit multiple times and when the correct answer should be revealed - your options for this are right after submitting an answer or never.

Step 3: Student overview

Here you can see statistics related your students, including the percentage of correctly answered questions, how many questions have been answered in total (either on average or per individual) and whether or not each student has viewed the assignment. You can sort the table by clicking on the header of each column. Click on view questions to see the results of and answers from your students.

Image showing an example of the student overview - 3 out of 4 students have started viewing the assignment. 3 students can be seen on screen alongside whether or not they have viewed the quiz, their progress, and their score.

Step 4: Setting Questions


To add a question, click on the white plus icon (+) within the green circle button along the bottom row.

Image showing the green circle with white plus inlaid in between two existing questions.

When the + is clicked, you can choose between adding an open ended or a multiple choice question.

Image showing the options of multiple choice vs open question.

To delete any question, use the three dots in the top right and select delete.

Image showing the delete option in the top right of a blank multiple choice question card.

Setting up Multiple Choice Questions

When setting each new multiple choice question, you can toggle whether or not to allow participants to select multiple answers. You can also add files either to the question as a whole, or to each individual answer option.

Below each answer, you can set an explanation - this will be shown to students who select this option. You could use this to either give corrective information when an incorrect answer is chosen, or add a congratulatory message for the correct option.

To highlight an answer as correct, click on the checkbox to the left of the correct option.

Image showing an example multiple choice question - to the right of the question box, there is a file attachment icon. Underneath the question, a toggle is set to allow participants to select multiple answers. Below the toggle, 3 answer options are shown with an add explanation button below each one - the correct answer is selected with a checkmark to its left. On the right of each option is a bin icon, to delete the option, and a file attachment icon to add a file. At the bottom of the screen there's an add answer button.

Here's an example of what a multiple choice question looks like after a student interacts with it:

Image showing a multiple choice question that has been interacted with by a student - out of the three available options, the student chose the correct one, so that option shows a 100% selection rate. The two incorrect options show a 0% selection rate.

Setting up Open Questions

When setting up an open question, the interface shows a textbox for you to input your question, with the option to add an attachment, and a correct answer input. Adding a correct answer for an open question is optional - it may be the case that you choose to add a reflection question here.

Image showing the set up of an open question - at the top is the question itself. The correct answer box, marked as optional, has been filled. At the top right are options to cancel or save the question.

Bear in mind that open ended questions will need to be manually graded. You can also interact with student answers by upvoting or replying to their submitted answers.

Here's an example of what an open question looks like after a student interacts with it:

Image showing an example of an open question - the correct answer was provided by the teacher. The student did not fulfil the criteria for a correct answer and so their score is shown as 50%. To the bottom right of the student's answer, there are options to upvote and reply to their submission.

Good to Know

  • You can use the Export Analytics button in the student overview to export this information to an excel sheet in which you will see a complete overview.

  • If students have already engaged with the assignment, you won't be able to change the student collaboration options.

  • You can use LaTeX when setting up questions.

  • Our character limit is 10000 characters per quiz.

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