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Release Notes v2.90 May 2023

Automated Feedback Coach 2.0, Shared libraries, Admin dashboards, and Full-screen analytics

Updated over a week ago

(10-05-23) The new release update is scheduled for Friday, May 12th, 2-3 pm CET and contains the following:

New releases

  • Automated Feedback Coach 2.0

  • Integration and usage admin dashboards

  • Customizing grading in Team-Based Learning and Quiz tools


  • For teachers and LMS admins

    • Full-screen mode for analytic modules

    • Group Contribution Grading explanation

    • Mute email notifications

Coming soon

  • Shared libraries

New releases

Automated Feedback Coach 2.0

We've improved our AI in the Automated Feedback Coach, available as part of the Group Member Evaluation tool. The Coach provides real-time formative feedback to students, helping them improve their feedback skills and literacy. Besides, it detects any potential offensive language in the reviews.

Previously, the Coach was helpful but limited and easy to trick. With the new Coach, users will receive more nuanced and actionable feedback. This will result in a significant improvement in feedback accuracy, relevance, and specificity.

(Fig. 1: Automated Feedback Coach 2.0 in action.)

To use the AI Automated Feedback Coach, the teacher must enable it by clicking the toggle in the Group Member Evaluation edit mode. As students write their feedback, FeedbackFruits sends it to Azure Microsoft to process against the teacher's criteria for review. The Coach then provides qualitative suggestions to enhance the feedback. It's worth noting that FeedbackFruits only displays the processed information and doesn't store it.

(Fig. 2: how to turn on Automated Feedback Coach 2.0 through the teacher Edit mode.)

Despite the rise of AI solutions worldwide and concerns about their impact on learning, we designed our Coach to be an educational complement that improves the students’ feedback skills and creates a safe learning space for everyone. To ensure safety, teachers and students can consult their rights in our Transparency note and opt out of the Automated Feedback Coach by pressing the ‘Preferences’ button. This can be undone anytime.

(Fig. 3: Student turning off Automated Feedback Coach 2.0 through ‘Preferences’.)

To learn more about using the Automated Feedback Coach 2.0, please refer to this article.

Availability: Currently, the Automated Feedback Coach is only available in North America due to AI legislation per region, but we aim to expand to other regions in the future. Additionally, this feature is only available upon request. If you or your institution are interested, please contact your FeedbackFruits Pilot and Partner Success Manager or your main FeedbackFruits contact person.

Integration and usage admin dashboards

We have developed a new admin dashboard for LTI administrators and IT teams. This first version of the dashboard enables LTI admins to monitor the health of the FeedbackFruits integration, usage, and time spent with FeedbackFruits tooling.

For example, the dashboard can answer questions such as: how many courses are using FeedbackFruits? How many learning activities have been created? How much time are Teachers dedicating to the tools?

Please note that this data is cumulative, and the 'Time spent' data accounts for idle time as well. 

Availability: Currently, this feature is only available upon request. If you or your institution are interested, please contact your FeedbackFruits Pilot and Partner Success Manager or your main FeedbackFruits contact person.

(Fig. 6: Admin dashboards and all their information.)

Customizing grading in Team Based Learning and Quiz tools

We have added grading to the Quiz tool and refined the already existing grading module in Team Based Learning. To add a Configurable Grading module, teachers and learning designers can navigate to the end of the activity and click on the plus button. Teachers can now adjust the weight of different grading facets in Quiz, as well as in the Team-Based Learning tool.

(Fig. 7: Adding the Configurable Grading module.)

Prior to this release, the Quiz tool did not have a grading feature. For the Team-Based Learning tool, teachers could only adjust the points of the iRAT or tRAT as a whole, not the points of each individual question. And furthermore, there was no grading attributed to the Pre-work step. Now, with refined and precise configurable grading, all this is a possibility.

Availability: This feature will be immediately available for everyone after the release. No need for additional requests.

(Fig. 8: Adjusting the grading facets in Team Based Learning including the Pre-work step, iRAT and tRAT, with customized points per question.)

Improvements for teachers and LMS admins

Full-screen for analytic modules

In FeedbackFruits assignments, all steps are displayed in the same size. However, for modules with data, such as Student Insights or Grading, this can feel cramped and make navigating data less comfortable.

To ensure smoother and faster navigation, teachers can now open these modules in full-screen view, providing a more comfortable experience in which more information can be seen at once. Specifically, the new view will show 25 students or groups at a time, instead of the previous 10 students or groups view.

Availability: This feature will be immediately available for everyone after the release. No need for additional requests.

(Fig. 9: Full-screen display in the grading module.)

Group Contribution Grading explanation

We have included a more detailed and informative dialog to the Group Contribution Grading feature. Our aim is to reduce questions and confusion with this feature.

Additionally, we have updated our Help Center articles for the Group Contribution Grading feature, which now includes the formulas to calculate it manually, if desired. Please see the articles here:

Availability: This feature will be immediately available for everyone after the release. No need for additional requests.

(Fig. 10: New informative dialog when turning on Group Contribution Grading.)

Mute email notifications

Our system for managing and delivering assignment notifications has been updated. Previously, we sent email notifications to all teachers, learning designers, and LMS administrators whenever there was an update within the activities. This included upcoming deadlines, new discussion threads or question cards on our Interactive Study Materials, and replies to comments.

With our enhanced notification system, teachers and learning designers can now mute email notifications for specific activities, reducing inbox clutter. Notifications can still be viewed in the ‘Notifications’ menu (bell button in the top right corner).

To mute notifications for a specific activity, click on the three-dot button located in the top right corner of the assignment. This action can be undone at any time. Besides, it is still possible to fully unsubscribe from our notifications. 

Availability: This feature will be immediately available for everyone after the release. No need for additional requests.

Coming soon

Shared libraries

We are excited to announce and preview a new feature that we are currently developing.

After the success of the My Library space, which allows teachers and learning designers to manage and organize their rubric and activity templates on a personal or institutional level, we have developed Shared Libraries.

These libraries are collaborative spaces for templates, where learning designers can cooperate on building courses and rubric templates specific to the entire institution or to particular disciplines, departments, or programs within the institution. The library's name can be easily customized—for example, "Law School" or "Faculty of Social Science".

(Fig. 4: Joining a library from the All libraries section.)

Segmented shared Libraries will help institutions standardize and organize templates, maintain quality, customize as needed, and share best practices like rich rubrics or balanced activities. They will also allow institutions to segment their populations and create communities of practice.

Availability: This feature will become available in the near future, upon request. If you or your institution are interested, please contact your FeedbackFruits Pilot and Partner Success Manager or your main FeedbackFruits contact person to hear more about it. 

(Fig. 5: Three different types of libraries integrated within the FeedbackFruits tools –per Faculty, Institution, or Individual.)

This concludes the May Release Notes v.2.90.

If you have any questions or experience a technical issue,

please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button.

(Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).

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