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Release notes v2.75 March 2022

Dynamic password requirements, deleting of group submissions, deadline extensions on time windows and mandatory discussion threads in ISM

Updated over a week ago

Product Release Video

(08-03-2022) The next release is scheduled in approximately four days. The release will contain the following:

Dynamic Password Requirements

When creating a new account or adjusting your password on our platform, while typing in your new password, you will be able to see all the requirements that the password needs to meet (see below. Here you will see a checkmark in front of the requirements you have already met while creating your new password. This applies to both the registration form and the password change form. (The latter can be found by opening the sidebar, selecting settings, and clicking 'set new password') .

Password Requirement overview

Students in groups can delete a group submission

Previously, when students were working together as a group, only the group member responsible for uploading the group submission was able to delete the handed-in file, now we have made sure that all students in the group are able to delete/replace the handed-in file as long as the deadline for submission is still open.

Students can now also receive an indication in regards to whether they still have the option to delete their submission within the activity (see example below).

Students can click on the trash-icon to delete their submission, if this is no longer possible, it will be indicated by the prompt appearing while hovering over.

Deadline extension on time windows

Next to the deadline extension option in the Review (Feedback) tools that was released in our previous release, we now also support the deadline extensions on time windows. This is applicable for all activity types in which the time window option is available to implement: Interactive Study Material tools, Quiz, and the Team Based Learning (TBL) tool. Various students can be granted different extensions, meaning they can have different dates and times on which their "new" deadline will be.

While setting a deadline, an immediate extension can be granted, or this can be done at a later moment in time.

Individual students can be granted an extension by selecting the student and adding the date on which they are to complete the activity.

Students/groups with extensions can continue participating in the activity (e.g. answering the questions and participating in discussion threads) even after the overall deadline for the activity has passed. Please note that within the TBL tool, extensions for groups can only be granted for the tRAT step.

Below the activity, you will be able to for when the time window was set, and who has already been granted an extension for this deadline. Here potential adjustments can also be made within the settings.

Granted deadline extensions are indicated below the activity

Mandatory discussion threads in Interactive Study Material

Instructors now have the opportunity to have discussion threads they create, being mandatory (required) for students to participate in before continuing with watching the rest of the video, listening to the rest of the audio, or reading the document. This behaves the same way that both Open Questions and Multi-Choice Questions behave in terms of progress tracking and blocking. This setting can be enabled while creating or editing the discussion thread.

Enable a required discussion in the additional options below the discussion thread

When going through the material, students will be prompted with the discussion thread as posed by the instructor and they will be required to provide an answer before continuing. Within the video, this will pop up on their screen and within a document, there will be a discussion break cutting off the rest of the document from being read.

A required discussion thread in Interactive Document

A required discussion thread in Interactive Video

Patch Notes

FeedbackFruits release notes will now include patch notes in order to share some of the smaller improvements and bug fixes with our users as well.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where there could have been an unfair allocation distribution in case review as a group has been enabled.

  • Fixed an issue to avoid duplicate groups being available within courses after the transition from LTI 1.1 to LTI 1.3.

  • Fixed an issue where dropdown buttons in Safari were displayed with incorrectly.

Improvements and tweaks

  • Improved indication on whether an annotation has been saved within Comprehension. Now there will be a distinct "save" and "discard" button, rather than the system auto-saving any comments (see below).

  • Within the Interactive Study Material tools, with enabling the option to have students working together in groups, previously the anonymity option would not be available. With this improvement, students will now be able to anonymously participate while adding their contributions.

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