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Release Notes v2.72 December 2021
Release Notes v2.72 December 2021

Grading in Team Based Learning, Support for Assignment in Microsoft Teams & Deadlines for Comprehension

Updated over a week ago

(14-12-2021) The next release is scheduled in approximately three days. The release will contain the following:

  • Grading for Team Based Learning

  • Support for Assignments in Microsoft Teams

  • Deadlines for Comprehension

  • New default instructions for the Reflections module

Grading for Team Based Learning

When creating a Team Based Learning (TBL) activity the grading module will be included by default. Teachers can define how many points the students can earn from the iRAT step and tRAT step, their final grade will depend on the score they got when doing the quiz.

For example if there is a quiz with 2 questions and the student only answers 1 question correctly during the iRAT, they will get only half of the points for that step.

By the way, you might notice that the tRAT score has more influence (75%) than the iRAT step (25%) by default. You are of course free to change this, though we deliberately decided on these defaults to emphasize team performance in line with the spirit of TBL. This way, students get incentivized for helping the team succeed, rather than just being rewarded for their personal performance.

TBL is one of many pedagogies that FeedbackFruits hopes to develop that cultivate a shift in attitude from self-interest to interest in collective success (a team, an organization, a society), as we believe this attitude is under-rewarded in education.

Support for Assignments in Microsoft Teams

FeedbackFruits now supports Assignments in Microsoft Teams. Microsoft launched support for Apps in Microsoft Teams, and we are one of the partners that support it.

This means that next to using tabs, FeedbackFruits can now also be added to assignments in class teams directly, which fits the workflow for students and teachers much better.

See the video for a short demo:

Deadlines in Comprehension

Comprehension can now have a deadline for annotating and writing summaries. After the deadline has passed the students can still access the file and see the existing annotations and summaries, but they cannot create, edit or delete annotations or summaries.

We have also has a new setting called "Students see annotations and summaries by their peers" to deal with the publishing of the annotations and summaries.

Teachers can select between: immediately, after the deadline, after a certain date, or never. For example, if the teacher selects never the students will never see the annotations/summaries made by their peers (even if they are working on groups).

New default instructions for the Reflections module

We have changed the default for Reflection Module and is available in all tools that may include a Reflections step. These categories of reflection are based on a paper by Thomas Daniel Ullman (2015), with adaptation by FeedbackFruits to make it suitable for this context. This default text is meant for inspiration, and be fully edited, or deleted to suit the needs of the reflective activity at hand. This serves as a baseline to adapt from, and in later evaluations we will see which categories appear applicable.

This concludes the Release Notes v2.72 December 2021.
โ€‹If you have any questions or experience a technical issue, please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).

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