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Self-Assessment of Skills | Setting up

How to set up Self-Assessment of Skills

Updated over a week ago

Our Self-Assessment of Skills tool can be used to let student self-assess individual skills or team skills. It follows a similar structure as our Group Member Evaluation tool, but contains only a self-assessment step.

This article will go explain how to set up our Self-Assessment of Skills tool, this tool is meant

Setting up Self-Assessment of Skills

First fill in a Title, then continue to Step 1.

Step 1

Fill in instructions. Fill in your overall instructions for the assignment (see the screenshot below for an example). Note that if you leave this field blank, you will not be able to publish/save the assignment. You can add a voice note or an attachment to the instruction if needed.

The assignment can be an individual- or a group assignment. Click change to choose between one of the following two options:

  • Students work individually, review own skills

  • Students work as a group, review skills of group

If you would like the students to either work or review in groups, you will have to select from your LMS or configure the groups manually. Note that you can only configure groups when students have been added to the assignment.

Step 2

In this step, you specify criteria to help guide students as they give feedback. Click configure to edit, add, or delete criteria. Click here for a detailed guide on setting criteria.

New user interface design This is enabled by default and enabled our improved review interface for students. The same review interface is also our default interface in Group Member Evaluation. We recommend that you keep this setting enabled for a better user experience.

Scheduling deadlines Set the deadline for giving feedback. Note that reviewers will not be able to view or edit their reviews after this deadline passes. Leave the deadline blank to allow reviewers to view and/or edit their feedback indefinitely.

Guiding students If you have specific hand-in instructions for your students (such as the desired font, line spacing, naming the file, etc.) fill them in here. Example: Please name your student number in the file-name. Upload both your essay and the slides you will use when presenting about your essay.

Step 3

This setting section, about students reading their feedback, gives the option to set a deadline (if preferred). Students will not be able to read the feedback for points after the deadline has passed (if points assigned to this step). Note that students can still view the feedback after the deadline. If you do not set a deadline, students can always complete reading the feedback for points (if points assigned to this step).

Step 4: Reflect on activity (optional)

Writing a reflection is a valuable step to end an assignment with. The student can for instance write a reflection on how the whole process of giving feedback went. This step can be added through clicking on the purple-circle-plus-button (at the end of the final step). The option of ‘Reflect on activity’ will be then visible (see images below).

In the image below, you can see that it can have a deadline, as well as a required length of words. There is also a description field in which you can specify what you want students to reflect on regarding the assignment. Students can start with this step when the teacher completed step 2 ‘Feedback by teacher’. Students can then begin writing their reflection on the assignment (even before having read the feedback yet).


Moreover, you can add grading to your assignment by clicking on the purple plus button on your left. You can configure how many points do you want to give to each process of the assignment like in the following screenshot.

This concludes the Setting up Self-Assessment of Skills tutorial.
If you have any questions or experience a technical issue, please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).

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