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Release notes July 2020

Default grading, Attachments with instructions, Valuable Contributions in Discussion Assignment, Contributors Anonymity in ISM and more.

Updated over a week ago

(30-06-2020) The next release is scheduled in approximately four days. The release will contain the following:

  • Default grading for review, Comprehension, Discussion Assignment or Interactive Presentation.

  • Adding attachments to the instructions.

  • Valuable Contributions on the Discussion Assignment

  • Contributors anonymity in Interactive Study Material.

  • Overall grade field added to the CSV export for interactive presentation.

  • Team Based Learning iteration 2.

  • New table on step 2 of Skills Review.

  • API integrations for Blackboard, Brightspace and Canvas working with LTI 1.3.

Default grading for Peer/Assignment Review, Comprehension, Discussion Assignment and Interactive Presentation.

Currently, within Peer Review & Group Member Evaluation, when no 'Configurable Grading' module is added, but the assignment does have a deadline for reviewing and the LMS integration allows for grading, we currently submit a grade automatically.

After the release, all FeedbackFruits Activities that support grading, will have a 'Configurable Grading' module added by default upon creation. This module can be removed upon creation or editing of the activity, and will only submit grades when the teacher clicks 'Publish grades' after the assignment is done. For more information on how the default grading different from the previous system, click here.

Adding attachments to the instructions.

While it was possible to link to a file in the instructions, after the release it will be possible to add a file to the instructions and directly include it in the assignment. This can be done by clicking the paperclip icon at the instructions step.

fig 1. attachments icon at instructions

Valuable Contributions on the Discussion Assignment

A new module can be added to Discussion Assignments before the reflect step that allows students to select other students' most valuable contributions after they have finished doing all the previous steps.

fig 2. teacher selecting amount of valuable contributions

The teacher can configure how many comments may be selected by each student and the grade received by the student depending on how many of their peers found their comment valuable. They can also see how many students have selected each comment as most valuable.

fig 3. student selecting a peer's valuable contribution

The students can select comments made by their peers as most valuable (regardless of whether or not they belong to the same team) and can filter the discussions to see only those they have contributed to (by owning the document or having left a comment on it).

Contributors anonymity in Interactive Study Material.

Contributors anonymity is now available in the settings of all Interactive Study Material.

fig 4. selecting contributors anonymity in Interactive Document settings

All students contribution in this activity (discussions, questions and answers to questions) are shown to their peers using pseudonyms. Teachers can always see the contributors name.

fig 5. student making anonymous contribution in Interactive Document

Overall grade field added to the CSV export for interactive presentation.

An additional field has been added to the CSV export for Interactive Presentation. The additional field displays the overall grade of all student contributions.

Team Based Learning iteration 2

Interactive Presentation has new slide editing mode: unified viewing and editing with quick preview of math too.

Practice has been rebranded as Quiz and uses the same interface as Interactive Presentation's slide view. Therefore it is easy to learn and adopt. The user experience of Quiz has been made a lot smoother to make it a proper user experience that's up to standards with our other tools

vid 1. Quiz through a teacher perspective

vid 2. Quiz through a student perspective

New table on step 2 of Skill Review.

The table at step 2 can be sorted by any of the columns and is paginated if there are more than 10 students or groups.

fig 6. new table at step 2 of Skill Review

API integrations for Blackboard, Brightspace and Canvas working with LTI 1.3

API integrations for Blackboard, Brightspace and Canvas are working with LTI 1.3.
Just as we support them with “old” LTI, the API integrations can now also be configured with LTI 1.3.

This concludes the Release notes July 2020.
If you have any questions or experience a technical issue, please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).

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