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Release notes January 2020

Happy 2020: Automated tests for Interactive Presentation, Configurable Grading out beta, Explanation Cards (beta) and Platform update

Updated over a week ago

(13-01-2020) The next release is scheduled within approximately 5 days. This release will contain the following: 

  • Automated tests for Interactive Presentation

  • No more Announcements and Discussion Forum on the Platform

  • Explanation Cards (beta, feature flagged for Assignment Review and Skill Review)

  • Configurable Grading for Interactive Study Material and Interactive Presentation out of beta

  • Various bug fixes and improvements

Automated tests for Interactive Presentation
This is not a visible improvement but makes it possible to automatically test the functionalities of Interactive Presentation. Included in the automated testing are for instance: creation of questions, editing of slides, verifying the settings and much more. This is part of our automated testing goals for all of our tools and their main functionalities.

No more Announcements and Discussion Forum on the Platform
Announcements and Discussion Forum are features that are only available on our Platform. They have been behind a feature flag for all users for a couple of months and are now being removed. For the users of our platform it is still possible to create comments directly in the folders, under the "Feature folder comments" feature flag which has already been enabled for those users. Existing announcements and Discussion Fora have also been converted to comments.

Explanation Cards (beta, feature flagged for Assignment Review and Skill Review)
As part of the Dotank project with the Eindhoven University of Technology, we created Explanation Cards. These cards can be created in the Assignment Review and Skill Review tools by teachers, these cards can contain information on common mistakes/misinterpretations. When the cards are created the teachers in the assignment can easily use the cards in their feedback to students. The teacher has an overview of all the cards used in their feedback and the students can see the reviews with the attached cards. The students also see an overview of the cards they were given in the final step of their assignment 'read and reflect'. Please watch the video below to see this in action. If you want to test this functionality you can contact our support or Annika Borgstede to enable it for your account. 

Vid. 1: Explanation Cards in action

Configurable Grading for Interactive Study Material and Interactive Presentation out of beta
As announced in the release of December, Configurable Grading will graduate out of beta. This means that all our users will now be able to add Configurable Grading to their Interactive Study Material assignments and Interactive Presentations by clicking the plus button at the bottom of the page in the edit mode. Please read more about the feature here, in summary: Configurable Grading in Interactive Study Material and Interactive Presentation allows you to assign a grade to different facets of the assignment (viewing the assignment, answering questions and participating in discussions for example).

This concludes the Release notes January 2020.
If you have any questions or experience a technical issue, please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).

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