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Release notes December 2019

Christmas release including; out of beta announcement, notification emails, questions overhaul and feature flags per consumer.

Updated over a week ago

(17-12-2019) The next release is scheduled within approximately 4 days. This release will contain the following: 

  • Improved Notifications Email

  • Questions overhaul 

  • Feature flags possible per LTI Consumer

  • Announcement: Configurable Grading for Interactive Study Material and Interactive Presentation out of beta in the January release

  • Various bug fixes and improvements

Improved Notification Email
Building on the notification improvements we release in the November release we have now updated our notification emails. These improved emails contain a daily summary for the users where the notifications show that they might have missed. The separate notification emails for reviews and replies are replaced by this daily summary email. 

Fig. 1: New daily summary notification email example. 

Questions overhaul
The way that questions are shown over the different tools (Interactive Study Material and Interactive Presentation) are now consistent and contain more options. Images can be attached to the questions, students can answer questions directly in the document/video itself, see their given answer and score after answering. For teachers the progress of the questions is visible in the activity itself and whether or not students can see each others answers with names or anonymised. When using Configurable Grading, users can see the weight of a question in the question itself. There are plenty other User Experience improvements that can be noticed when using the questions. In video below you can already see it in action. 

Vid. 1: questions overhaul in action

Feature flags possible per LTI consumer
You might have been used to having to ask for feature flags to be enabled per user, it is now possible for feature flags to be enabled for an entire institution (per environment). This gives us the possibility to, for instance, turn on all the feature flags for your test environment. Please contact our support or Annika Borgstede to enable this.

Announcement: Configurable Grading for Interactive Study Material and Interactive Presentation out of beta in the January release
In the release that is planned on January 18 2020, we will graduate the Configurable Grading feature out of beta. Please read more about the feature here, in summary: Configurable Grading in Interactive Study Material and Interactive Presentation allows you to assign a grade to different facets of the assignment (viewing the assignment, answering questions and participating in discussions for example). If you want to test this before the January release please contact our support or Annika Borgstede to enable this. 

This concludes the Release notes December 2019.
If you have any questions or experience a technical issue, please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).

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