(22-11-2018) The next release is scheduled within approximately 3 days. This release will contain the following:
LMS group-user sync indication
Group Contribution Grading for Group Member Evaluation tool (beta, feature flagged)
Rubrics within assignment tools (beta, feature flagged)
Overall improvements and bug fixes
LMS group-user sync indication
When setting up a new assignment, groups and students are loaded into FeedbackFruits. This might take a minute, therefore we're showing you the following indication.
(Fig. 1) Indication of groups and users being synced from LMS
Feature flagged functionality
The following features are released as beta-functionality. They are feature flagged, meaning that they are not available yet for all users. If you are interested in helping us validating and testing these features, please contact us.
Group Contribution Grading for Group Member Evaluation tool (beta, feature flagged)
This feature enables a teacher to calculate a grade based on the contribution of the individual student to the group deliverable. The adjusted grades can then be sent back to the LMS.
Based on the ratings that students provided to each other, a group contribution factor is calculated.
(Fig. 2) Group Contribution Factor is calculated on the average of received ratings per peer. Self assessment is taken into account when enabled for the assignment.
(Fig. 3) Fill out the grade of the group project and use the suggested adjustment to determine the overall grade. The actual adjustment can be inserted manually as well (or adjusted).
Rubrics within assignment tools (beta, feature flagged)
With this feature, rubrics can be added and used in FeedbackFruits. With the 're-use'-functionality, you only have to insert a rubric once into FeedbackFruits, after you can use it throughout your assignments with your colleagues.
(Fig. 4) Overview of how students scored on this assignment (Peer Feedback assignment, teacher view).
(Fig. 5) Screenshot student view, giving feedback and selecting the appropriate level.
(Fig. 6) Creating the rubric, teacher view. Add as many levels and criteria as needed.
This concludes the Release notes v2.30.0.
If you have any questions or experience a technical issue, please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).