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Production release notes v2.28.0

LTI content item, adding questions and feedback from mobile, improved accessibility, archiving of courses, download of feedback

Updated over a week ago

(19-10-2018) The next release is scheduled within approximately 3 working days. This release will contain the following: 

  • Adding questions, comments and feedback from mobile

  • LTI Content item in Canvas and Brightspace

  • Constraining filetypes allowed to be handed in by students

  • First changes for improved accessibility 

  • Archive-option of courses (platform functionality) 

  • Download of feedback and analytics

  • Self-Assessment in Peer Feedback and Group Member Evaluation (beta, feature flagged)

  • Overall improvements and bug fixes

Adding questions, comments and feedback from mobile 

The flow for users working on their mobile device or iPad is improved, this also improves the in-LMS flow, as some iframes are very small. Screen resolution optimising results in different functionality options depending on screen size. For this reason it wasn't possible to add comments, questions and feedback from a small screen in some of the tools. Now all tools support contributing via mobile/small screens. (Interactive Documents, -Video, -Audio, Comprehension, Peer Review, Group Member Evaluation, Assignment Feedback and Skill Feedback). 

(Fig. 1) Screenshot Interactive Video on mobile: the plus-button that is added on the mobile-view, gives the user the option to comment or ask a question on the video content. 

(Fig. 2) Screenshot Interactive Video on mobile: writing a comment. 

(Fig. 3) Screenshot of Comprehension of Documents on mobile: clicking the pen-icon provides you with the option to write a comment linked to a topic. It is unfortunately not yet possible to link the comment to a specific part of the text from a device with limited screen resolution. 

(Fig. 4) Screenshot of Comprehension of Documents on mobile: writing a comment. 

LTI Content item in Canvas and Brightspace

LTI content item provides a different flow for the use of FBF tools in a LMS. It changes the flow as follows.

With the current LTI configuration an external tool is added to a course. After adding the tool (the link to the external tool), the teacher navigates to this link and clicks on the link to start with the set up of the learning activity (Peer Feedback, Interactive Document etc.). With LTI content item, a teacher clicks on adding external tool, selects the right tool and right away enters the set up screen of the learning activity. The learning activity is then set-up by the teacher. After the setup, the link to the assignment shows in the course-overview. 

(Fig. 5) Screenshot Group Member Evaluation in Canvas: setting up the learning activity before clicking 'add to module' (or 'save assignment').  

NOTE: LTI content item requires a change in the configuration of the tools is. More information can be found in our admin guides. Please get in touch with your FeedbackFruits contact if you want to set this up. 

We are not planning to drop support for basic LTI and switching to LTI content item is optional.

Constraining filetypes allowed to be handed in by students

As a teacher, when configuring a Peer Review, Assignment Feedback or hand-in (platform) assignment, you can choose what filetypes students are required to hand in for this assignment. Students will be able to see a more detailed overview of supported filetypes of the selected categories. Supported filetypes per category can also be found in our Help Center

(Fig. 6) Screenshot Hand-in assignment set up mode: in step 2 you can select certain filetypes that are allowed for the assignment. 

(Fig. 7) Screenshot Hand-in assignment student view.

First changes for improved accessibility 

Accessibility improvements are made to our tools to make them accessible for all users with physical and visual impairments. Many small iterations on the product are made to serve this goal. This release, some improvements are shipped in the following categories: 

  • Better navigation using a keyboard.

  • Better labeling of buttons to communicate their purpose.

  • The ability to download a handed in document, hidden behind the accessibility menu

In the top left of the screenshot, you can see that there is added a menu with navigations links to navigate more quickly within the current page. It becomes visible when it gets focus, either when you press Tab as the first action on a page or with the shortcut Alt+Shift+A. 

(Fig. 8) Pressing tab as a first action takes you to the menu in the top left, and allows you to more easily navigate to the login page on our homepage.

As a student, you can navigate on our platform using enter, space, Tab and Shift+Tab and other shortcuts. An overview of all shortcuts will be added in another, future release. It is now possible to give a review using only the keyboard in Group Member Evaluation and Peer Review. For example, giving a grade with the slider can be done using the arrow keys. NOTE: this is a work in progress, not all accessibility issues have been solved yet. 

(Fig. 9) Screenshot of a Group Member Evaluation assignment, reviewing another group, student view.

Archive-option of courses (platform functionality) 

Yes! We are able to meet the need of getting rid of your long long list of courses yourself. When you are a user of our platform 2.0, you can now archive courses by clicking the three dots on the left. You can also 'unarchive' courses from your archived course overview. 

(Fig. 10) Screenshot of platform course overview.

(Fig. 11) Screenshot of options when clicking the dots: archive your course. 

Download of feedback and analytics

This download option is now added to Peer Review, Group Member Evaluation, Assignment Feedback and Skill Feedback. The download contains:

  • Details and overall analytics

  • Analytics per student

  • Submissions (if applicable)

  • Ratings (quantitive feedback) 

  • Review comments (qualitative feedback)

  • Written reflections

(Fig. 12) Screenshot Peer Review Overall student progress analytics.

Feature flagged functionality

The following features are released as beta-functionality. They are feature flagged, meaning that they are not available yet for all users. If you are interested in helping us validating and testing these features, please contact us.

Self-Assessment in Peer Feedback and Group Member Evaluation (beta, feature flagged)

Student can review themselves with this feature. They can also review their own group submission or performance. 

(Fig. 13) Screenshot Peer Review assignment. Under settings in step 3 you can enable the self-assessment option. 

(Fig. 14) Screenshot Group Member Evaluation. When this is a group assignment, instead of reviewing yourself you will review your group as a whole. 

This concludes the Production release notes v2.28.0.
If you have any questions or experience a technical issue, please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).

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