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Interactive Document | Setting up

Need help setting up your Interactive Document?

Updated over a week ago

Interactive Document lets you upload a document and add Question Cards or Discussion Threads to it. Question Cards help you and students gauge their comprehension of the articles contents. Furthermore, Question Cards and Discussion Threads can help guide students to the most important arguments in the document, or jump start online discussions about its contents so that students are better prepared for class. 

After you have created a new Interactive Document in your LMS or on the platform, you see the following screen.

If you want to reuse a previous Interactive Document from yourself or one of your colleagues, click on use copy of existing. A copy of this existing assignment will be made, copying all teacher contributions (Discussion Threads, Question Cards, instructions). Student contributions are not copied. 


Step 1: Instructions


If you want to create a new assignment, start with filling out the title. Depending on your LMS, the title you set when creating the assignment in your LMS is already copied here. You can read more here on changing the name of the assignment in your LMS or in FeedbackFruits.

At the instructions step, you are able to provide the students information about the use and aim of the assignment. Furthermore, you can select if you would like the student contributions to be visible to everyone in the assignment, or have them divided and only visible to group members.

Contribute individually, see contributions of everyone

Students are able to see all contributions of all participants in the assignment.

Contribute individually, see contributions within groups
This option lets your students discuss the material in smaller groups. Or you can make the video accessible per class instead of publishing it to all students in the course. With these settings enabled, students will only see answers to Question Cards from group members and Discussion Threads posted by group members. In Discussion Threads posted by the teacher, they will see all student answers.

After enabling the option, you have to define the groups you want to use in the LMS. See this article on how to select the appropriate groups for your Interactive Video when FeedbackFruits is fully integrated in your LMS. Can't select groups from your LMS? This article explains how to create your own groups using a CSV file.

When using groups, students only see the annotations of students within their group. As a teacher, you can filter on a specific group, or see the annotations of all students in the assignment. In the Overall Student Progress overview, you will see the metrics per group.

Step 2: Document

To upload a document, drag and drop your desired document, or click choose document to search for it on your computer. If your desired document can be found online, copy and paste the link in the paste link field.

Note: you can only paste links that are openly accessible. If you need to log in to see the document (such as articles hosted on jstor or other password-protected repositories) our system will not be able to extract the document from that site. In such cases, you will first need to download the article from the website, and upload it using drag and drop or choose document.

After you've uploaded the document, you can start with editing the settings. Click on open document to view the document and start adding questions and Discussion Threads. If you want to replace the document with a different one, you can click on change file.

Adding Questions Cards and Discussion Threads

When you have published your document, click open document to view it and add Question Cards and/or Discussion Threads. You can select a part of the text to link a Question Cards or Discussion Threads to this specific part. If you want to add an overall question or Discussion Threads you can use the plus-button in the lower right corner. 

Question Cards are inline practice moments for students and can be added by the teacher as well as by students when enabled (see settings). Discussion Threads can be questions or discussion points and can be added by the teacher as well as by students when enabled. Students (and teachers) are able to reply to each other's Discussion Threads, making it possible to have inline discussions. Click here for more information on how to add a Discussion Threads or Question Cards. 


Click on each tab to expand the settings field. 

Scheduling deadlines

It is also possible to have a start and/or end date by which the students are able to make contributions to the assignment. This is available under the Scheduling deadlines option. For more information on how to set this up, and how this affects the assignment, click here.

Student contribution
By default, students are allowed to post Discussion Threads to the document. Discussion Threads can stimulate interactivity with the study material, but this might not always be desirable depending on your set-up. Therefore, this option can also be disabled.

It is also possible to say that students are allowed to post Question Cards (disabled by default). Having students ask and answer their own and their peers' questions can be a valuable learning experience. This option can be enabled if desired.

When you allow students to post their own Question Cards, you will see a new option appear: students can see each other's answers on Question Cards created by students. When enabling this option, students will be able to see anonymised answers from their peers after they have answered the question themselves.


All students' contribution in this activity (discussions, questions and answers to questions) are shown to their peers using pseudonyms. Teachers always see the contributor's name.

Copyright protection
Under settings, you can enable the copyright protection option. Enabling this option stops students from downloading the document. If you disable this option, students will see a download button, which lets them download the original document. If you use a link to a document on the internet, you will not have this option. Students will not be able to download the document, but will be able to navigate to the website where the document is hosted.

Add module
Additional modules can be added to the assignment to further the pedagogical value of the assignment. These modules can be added by clicking on the red plus-button at the bottom of the assignment in 'edit' mode.

Configurable Grading

Grading can be added to the assignment in the form of the Configurable Grading module. Here, you are able to grade students based on their participation (for example, did they participate in all the discussions) and performance (how did they score on the Question Cards). You can find more information in the link above.

Participation Grading

Grade the students' feedback based on their own selected best contributions. Create a safe online learning environment in which students feel free to contribute, because they feel the safety of only being graded on what they themselves mark as their best comments. Read more here on how to set it up.

Reflect on the activity

A reflection step can be added to the assignment that can be graded optionally and should be completed after the main assignment. It is possible to set a separate deadline for this step, to set a minimum and maximum word count and additional instructions.

Publishing the assignment

When you are finished with setting up your assignment, click publish or save in the top-right corner of the screen. 

After you publish the document, you can click the three dots in the top-right corner of the screen to edit the assignment (change the file, edit the instructions, enable/disable students downloading the document, adding Question Cards and/or Discussion Threads). Here you can also download the original document, without Discussion Threads/Question Cards. 

You have now finished setting up your Interactive Document!

This concludes the Setting up Interactive Document tutorial.
If you have any questions or experience a technical issue, please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).

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