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Turnitin | FAQ
Updated over 3 months ago

In response to plagiarism in student work, we have introduced industry-standard plagiarism checking, powered by Turnitin. This feature will serve as a first-line of defense against unintended copying from students or content from platforms like Wikipedia.

For more information, please see the related articles:

Besides those usage guides, here we gather some other Frequently Asked Questions about the integration between FeedbackFruits and Turnitin.

1. Is student data and submissions going directly via the Turnitin account? Where and what students’ information is being stored?

Student submissions go to FeedbackFruits regular media service, but if plagiarism check is enabled, FeedbackFruits will also send the submission and the data to Turnitin to generate the plagiarism report.

2. For testing purposes, is it possible to integrate Turnitin in certain courses only, and therefore not displaying the plagiarism feature to the entire institution?

From an integration perspective, we can only activate Turnitin per institution environment. However, teachers and learning designers still need to turn the feature on for each individual course or assignment. Please see how to use Turnitin steps here.

3. Alternatively, is there a way to get a FeedbackFruits and Turnitin testing account or sandbox? 

If you can get a sandbox account from Turnitin, you can use it for testing the integration.

4. Are students seeing the plagiarism report? 

No, currently students do not see anything different after submitting their submission via FeedbackFruits, nor the plagiarism percentage or report. Please see the student view here. Only teachers can access the Turnitin plagiarism report.

5. Currently, only teachers have insights into the plagiarism report. Are there plans to make the report available to students as well?

Right now, only teachers can see reports. It is not in our current Roadmap scope to support the student reports, as it requires further implementation steps and restrictions. 

6. Do students need to pass a certain plagiarism percentage as a condition for them to move on with the rest of the activity or to pass the assignment?

No, currently that is not considered within our grading system. However, teachers can make that decision if the plagiarism score is very high or unacceptable. Teachers can easily override and modify the final grades manually in our grading module. See the steps in this article here.

7. Until the deadline passes or before getting allocated to peers to review, students can resubmit the paper. Will the teacher see the plagiarism analytics for each submission the student sent?

Teachers will only see the plagiarism results of the submissions that have not been deleted. In other words, the final submissions that are handed-in by the time of closing the deadline or when it's time to allocate peers for reviewing. 

8. Is my Turnitin product license (e.g.: Similarity, Originality, ...) supported by FeedbackFruits? What license do I need? 

Please reach out to your Turnitin contact person to find out which Turnitin product license does your institution have, and if it allows access to Turnitin Core API, which our FeedbackFruits integration relays on.

9. What Turnitin set up conditions and defaults does FeedbackFruits use?

FeedbackFruits uses the same Turnitin set up and conditions that are set up within your institution's LMS.

10. FeedbackFruits displays some plagiarsim scores. What does each percentage mean? 

  • % Overall Match: The average percentage of text in the submission that was found to match other sources.

  • % of Matched internet text in the submission: The percentage of matched internet content in the submission.

  • % of Matched publications text in the submission: The percentage of matched text between the submission and other publications, such as academic articles or books.

  • % of Matched submitted works text in the submission: The percentage of matched text also found in Turnitin’s submitted works database. Thus, identifying if the submission matched the submission of another student.

11. What does the intermittent orange dot represent?

The intermittent orange dot represents the loading plagiarism check. This appears when a student just uploaded their submission and Turnitin's system is processing the plagiarism check on their side. 

Do you have more questions that aren't answered here? Please ask your FeedbackFruits contact person or reach out to our Support Chat. We will build more information in this guide with more frequently asked questions from our users and community.

This concludes the FAQ Turnitin and FeedbackFruits tutorial.
If you have any questions or experience a technical issue, please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).

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