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Learning Analytics: Data Export Contents
Learning Analytics: Data Export Contents

This article is a breakdown of what can be found within the learning analytic export files.

Updated over 8 months ago


In this article you will find a selection of data types that we can export from FeedbackFruits activities on an institutional level.

With each data type, there is a description of what the data is and the FeedbackFruits activities in which it can be generated. For each section below, a table provides an overview of the columns that are included in each export. Definitions of the item in each column are also included.

Each data type is exported as a separate .csv file with the specified columns included.

You can read more about Learning Analytics on course and cohort levels in the following articles:

What Data Is in the Export?

Export: Ratings

The ratings section shows the numerical rating teachers and/or students give in a feedback activity.

Available in: Peer Review, Group Member Evaluation, Self Assessment, Skill Review, Assignment Review


Column Description

Rated on

Timestamp of when the rating was created.

Rating level

Numeric value of the level of the item. Formatted as an integer.

Rating recipient

Name of person who received the rating.

Rating recipient email

Email address of the rating recipient.

Rating recipient ID

SIS ID of the rating recipient, retrieved through LTI.

Rating Recipient group

Group of the rating recipient, if the recipient was in a group.

Recipient type

Type of the rating recipient.

Possible values: Group, User.

Rating giver

Name of the person who gave the rating.

Rating giver email

Email address of the rating giver.

Rating giver ID

SIS ID of the rating giver, retrieved through LTI.

Group of rating giver

Group of the rating giver, if the rating giver was in a group.

Rating giver role

LTI role of the rating giver.

Possible values: Learner, Teaching Assistant, Instructor.

Course name

Name of the course that contains the FeedbackFruits activity, retrieved through LTI.

Course description

Course description through LTI.

Activity title

Name of the FeedbackFruits activity.

Activity type

Type of the FeedbackFruits activity (e.g. Peer Review).

Rubric folder (Competency Group)

Name of the rubric folder that contains the criterion on which the rating is given, if there is a rubric folder.

Rubric section (Key Competency)

Name of the rubric section that contains the criterion on which the rating is given, if there is a rubric section.

Feedback criterion (Enabling Competency)

Name of the criterion on which the rating is given, if there is a criterion specified.

Export: Reviews

This section shows the qualitative feedback teachers and/or students give in a feedback activity.

Available in: Peer Review, Group Member Evaluation, Self Assessment, Skill Review, Assignment Review


Column description

Reviewed on

Timestamp of when the rating was created.


Text of the review.

Review recipient

Name of person who received the rating.

Rating recipient email

Email address of the review recipient.

Review recipient ID

SIS ID of the review recipient, retrieved through LTI.

Recipient type

Type of the rating recipient.

Possible values: Group, User.

Review recipient groups

Group of the review recipient, if the recipient was in a group.

Review giver

Name of the person who gave the review.

Review giver Email

Email address of the review giver.

Review giver ID

SIS ID of the review giver, retrieved through LTI.

Revier giver role

LTI role of the rating giver.

Possible values: Learner, Teaching Assistant, Instructor.

Review giver group

Group of the review giver, if the review giver was in a group.

Course name

Name of the course that contains the FeedbackFruits activity, retrieved through LTI.

Course description

Course description through LTI.

Activity title

Name of the FeedbackFruits activity.

Activity type

Type of the FeedbackFruits activity (e.g. Peer Review).

Rubric folder (Competency Group)

Name of the rubric folder that contains the criterion on which the rating is given, if there is a rubric folder.

Rubric section (Key Competency)

Name of the rubric section that contains the criterion on which the rating is given, if there is a rubric section.

Feedback criterion (Enabling Competency)

Name of the criterion on which the rating is given, if there is a criterion specified.

Export: Posts

This section shows discussion posts started by a student and/or teacher.

Available in: Discussion on Topic, Discussion on Work

Discussion Posts

Column description

Created on

Timestamp of when the post was created.


Text in the discussion post.

Post creator

Name of the person who created the discussion post.

Post creator email

Email address of the discussion post creator.

Post creator ID

SIS ID of the creator, retrieved through LTI.

Post creator role

LTI role of the post creator.

Possible values: Learner, Teaching Assistant, Instructor.

Post creator group

Group of the creator, if the creator was in a group.

Upvote count

Number of upvotes the discussion post received.

Comment count

Number of comments the discussion post received.

Course name

Name of the course that contains the FeedbackFruits activity, retrieved through LTI.

Course description

Course description through LTI.

Activity title

Name of the FeedbackFruits activity.

Activity type

Type of the FeedbackFruits activity (e.g. Discussion on Topic).

Export: Comments

This section shows any reply or comment within the item whose data is being exported. This also includes discussion threads in Interactive Study Materials.

Available in: all activity types


Column description

Commented on

Timestamp of when the comment was created.


Text of the comment, if a comment has been made.

Comment creator

Name of the person who created the comment.

Comment creator email:

Email address of the comment creator.

Comment creator ID

SIS ID of the creator, retrieved through LTI.

Comment creator group

Group of the creator, if the creator was in a group.

Comment creator role

LTI role of the comment creator.

Possible values: Learner, Teaching Assistant, Instructor.

Upvote count

Number of upvotes the comment received.

Comment count

Number of comments the comment received.

Course name

Name of the course that contains the FeedbackFruits activity, retrieved through LTI.

Course description

Course description through LTI.

Activity title

Name of the FeedbackFruits activity.

Activity type

Type of the FeedbackFruits activity (e.g. Peer Review).

Export Data: Answers

This section contains any answer to a question (open-ended or multiple choice).

Available in: Interactive Study Materials (Video, Document, Audio), Interactive Presentation, Quiz, Team-based Learning


Column description

Answered on

Timestamp of when the answer was created.


Text of the selected options (in Multiple Choice) or text of the Open Answer.

Answer score

Score of the answer, when it exists. Possible value: 0.00 - 1.00.

Answer type

Type of the answer given.

Possible values: OpenAnswer, MultipleChoiceAnswer.


Text of the question on which the answer is posted.

Answer creator

Name of the person who created the answer.

Answer creator email

Email address of the answer creator.

Answer creator ID

SIS ID of the creator, retrieved through LTI.

Answer creator role

LTI role of the answer creator.

Possible values: Learner, Teaching Assistant, Instructor.

Answer creator group

Group of the creator, if the creator was in a group.

Course name

Name of the course that contains the FeedbackFruits activity, retrieved through LTI.

Course description

Course description through LTI.

Activity title

Name of the FeedbackFruits activity.

Activity type

Type of the FeedbackFruits activity (e.g. Quiz).

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