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Peer Review | How to upload your work
Peer Review | How to upload your work
Updated over a week ago

Quick explainer video

This article explains how you can upload your work in a Peer Review assignment. After you hand your work in, you will be assigned a peer's (or several peers') work to review, after that you can read and reflect on the feedback you receive from your peers. 

When you open the Peer Review assignment, you will first see the instructions your teacher wrote. Be sure to read these instructions carefully. In the top-right corner of the screen, you see how much time remains to the next deadline (if your teacher set a deadline). 

After reading the instructions, scroll down to step 2, where you will hand in your work. In this second step you see how much time remains until the deadline. 

You will not be able to upload your work after the deadline has passed, unless your teacher has explicitly enabled late hand-ins!

You will also see specific instructions for how your teacher wants you to hand in your work, such as formatting options, the required length, etc. Note: these instructions are optional, it is possible that your teacher did not set these instructions.

To upload your work, you can either drag and drop a file from your computer, or click select file to search for the file on your computer. Alternatively, if your work is already online, you can paste a link to its online location. 

Note: If your online file is behind a password wall, FeedbackFruits might not be able to retrieve your file from the website. In that case you will have to download the file and upload it to FeedbackFruits by dragging and dropping or clicking select file.

After you have uploaded your file you can still change the file (until the deadline), or upload additional files.

When you have finished uploading your work you can move on the next step of providing feedback to your peer(s).

This concludes the How to upload your work

in a Peer Review assignment | Student perspective tutorial.
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