Previously, when copying an LTI activity from one course to another in an LMS, the teacher still had to open the activity in the new course and use our copy from existing feature to create a copy of the original activity.
With LTI 1.1 we already automatically recognized that the item is a copy and we automatically made a copy, this now works with LTI 1.3 too.
This means that after this release, teachers can copy over their LMS course and will no longer have to manually copy over each assignment with both LTI 1.1 & LTI 1.3.
Note: These instructions are based on our test environments and settings might be slightly different in your individual LMS
We have been experiencing some issues with copying the courses over within the Blackboard/Canvas environments. If you are experiencing any issues while copying the activities, our apologies for this inconvenience.
Navigate to the System Administration Panel
Within this overview click on Courses
Here you will see an overview of the courses available to you. Navigate to the course you would like to copy and open the menu visible next to the course name.
In this menu, the option copy should be available for you. Select this option.
You will be redirected to a page called Copy Course
Select the course type
Define the Destination Course ID
Press Submit
Additional options will become available for you
Select the box marked Content Areas (Home Page, Information and Content will be selected)
Scroll down and press Submit
The copied version of the course should appear for you in the course overview (as seen previously in step 3)
Navigate to the course in which you would like to copy the activities.
Click on the settings button in the upper right corner of the screen, here you should be able to select Import/Export/Copy Components under the section Organization Related.
(If this option is not available for you, we would advise you to contact your system administrator seeing as this is related to your role within Brightspace)
When you are redirected to this page, select the first option Copy Components from another Org Unit
Select Search for offering
Here you can search for the course you would like to copy activities from
Select the course of your choice
Scroll down and select Copy All Components
A page called Copy Course Components History will appear, where you will see that the copying progress started
Once the progress has been completed, you can select view content to see the activities that have been copied.
Navigate to the course that you would like to copy
Select Settings in overview (the second column from the left side of the screen)
You will be redirected to a page called Course Details
On the right side of the screen an option will appear called Copy this course, select this option
The following page Copy {name course} will appear for you
Fill in the name of the new course
Define the course code
Ensure that All Content has been selected
Click Create Course
You will be redirected to a page where the progress of copying the course will be visible
Once the course has been copied, you can access the course by navigating to courses on the right side of the screen and selecting the new course name.
Navigate to the course of which you would like to create a copy
Click on Turn editing on (to enable the editing mode)
Select the settings icon (above the editing button)
An option called copy course should be available, select this option
You will be redirected to a page called Copy a Course
Fill in the full name of the course
Add the short name of the course
Define the course ID
Select yes for the option include user data
Finally scroll down and select Copy and view
A screen will appear where you will be able to see the copying progress that is being made by the system
Once the copy has been completed, select the name of the course (under destination) to open the copied course.
This concludes the Copying of activities with LTI 1.3 tutorial.
If you have any questions or experience a technical issue, please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).