13 articles
Use Case | Stimulating rich and reflective feedback in students’ written assignments
Use Case | Improve students’ academic writing, critical thinking and autonomy
Use Case | A more effective use of time in language education
Use Case | How University of Koblenz and Landau enhanced quality of feedback
Use Case | How Frankfurt School of Finance and Management improved the quality of education for students
Use Case | Helping students build subject matter knowledge with formative group feedback
Use Case | Streamlining presentation feedback with Peer Review
Use Case | Developing professional communication skills by giving feedback in a nursing course
Use Case | Encouraging efficient integrated group work with Peer Review
Use Case | Improving peer feedback and discussion quality by grading the best contribution of each student
Use Case | Streamlining the feedback and reflection process with Peer Review
Use Case | Enhanced peer feedback by letting students rate their reviewer
Use Case | Feedback of experts and peers to enhance quality of work and to get insights into reviewing process