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Group Formation: Setting up
Group Formation: Setting up

How to set up Group Formation

Updated over a week ago


In this article we will walk you through how to use Group Formation.

Our tool allows teachers to make effective groups, automatically. Teachers can easily create inclusive and well-balanced groups, aiming to enhance group dynamics, learning outcomes, student satisfaction, and engagement.

How It Works

Group Formation works by providing students with a set of questions, in a survey fashion, regarding their group work preferences, availability, skills... These questions have been set up by their teacher. Depending on how they answer to these questions, students will be grouped with other peers who answered similarly (to ensure compatibility) or differently (to complement each other). Read more about the algorithm here.

Tool In Action

Step 1: Instructions

Instructions step

In this step, teachers fill in the instructions for the assignment, so students know what to expect and what is required of them. Note that you will not be able to publish/save the assignment if you leave this field blank.

Student Collaboration

Directly underneath the instructions, you can select options for student collaboration.

Student collaboration default setup

When choosing a grouping method, there are two configurations available.

Group options

To select pre-existing LMS groups, choose Within selected groups. After selecting the groups or sections that will participate in the activity, click Done.

Selecting student groups

Step 2: Group formation

Group formation step

In this step, teachers can fine-tune the tool settings to align with their specific group-forming requirements. There are three main settings to configure: Survey questions, Number of students per group, and Scheduling deadlines.

Survey questions

By clicking on Configure, teachers can set up the question cards that will compose the Group Formation tool survey.

To add a question, they can click on the + icon at the bottom of the screen. The tool will offer two options: Multiple choice question, or Open question. Looking for some inspiration to get started? Check out our sample questions.

Adding questions by clicking on the + icon

Two question card options

A. Multiple choice questions:

When adding this type of question, the following screen will appear (see picture below).

At the top of the question card, teachers can type their question. When clicking on the paper clip icon on the right side, they can also add an attachment (such as a graph, picture, or document), to be displayed along with the question.

Editing a multiple choice question card

When creating a multiple choice questions question, teachers will be able to edit the Settings per question:

  • Allow students to select multiple answers

  • Group students similarly/differently

  • Question importance

    Setting options per question

  • Multiple answers can be selected: when enabling this toggle, students will be able to select more than one option within a Multiple choice question.

  • Group students based on answering this question similar/dissimilar: depending on this set up, students will be grouped with other peers who have answered this question similarly to them, or differently than them. Please note: this setting applies to every individual question, not to the entire survey.

  • Question importance: you can prioritize some questions by assigning each question a level of importance. Here, you can select the importance of a question on a scale from 0 (ignored) to 5 (highest). Depending on the given importance, the question answers will have a bigger or smaller impact on the final group creating. Students will be informed of the question importance when answering each question.

    Editing question importance in the Settings.

    Student view of a question with assigned importance.

Underneath, answers can be entered by clicking on Add answer. Teachers can also add an attachment per answer by clicking on the paper clip icon. If needed, questions can be removed by clicking on the bin icon. When finishing writing the question, teachers must click the save button.

Bottom of each question card

B. Open Questions:

When adding an open question card, teachers can type their question in the text box, and if wanted, add an attachment by clicking on the paper clip icon. When finishing writing the question, teachers must click the save button. For this type of question, there are no additional settings needed.

Note: Open-ended question responses cannot be processed by the algorithm and are intended for the teacher to review and assess.

Editing an open question card

To edit a question card, teachers can access the editor by clicking on the Edit button on the top right corner of a saved card.

To delete a question card, teachers can click on the three dots button at the top right corner of a saved card, or while in the question card editor. 

On the top right corner, edit button and three dots button

Number of students per group

In this setting teachers can indicate how many students should there be per group, so the algorithm groups them accordingly.

Number of students per group setting within step 2

Please note that:

  1. Students who make no progress at all, e.g. do not answer the questions or do not open the assignment, will get grouped with all the other unactive students. 

  2. Students who do not get grouped, for instance, because an uneven amount of groups and students, will need to be manually assigned to a group. Otherwise, teachers can return to the Edit mode and modify the group size before proceeding to form the groups again.

Scheduling Deadlines

If wanting to Decide when students start and stop having access, even during class, teachers can turn on the deadlines toggle. Teachers will have the flexibility to decide when students can commence and conclude the task by picking a date and time. It is also possible to manually initiate and conclude the process.

Scheduling the assignment deadlines

When done configuring the Group Formation, it is crucial to click the Save button at the top right corner of the screen.

Good to Know

  • Although Group Formation can be used in all LMSs compatible with FeedbackFruits, in the near future it will synchronize groups with Canvas/Instructure and D2L/Brightspace. 

  • For group synchronization with Canvas/Instructure and D2L/Brightspace, please ask your FeedbackFruits contact person for more information about the integration and its availability.

  • Read more information about the Group Formation algorithm here.

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