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Release Notes v2.92 July 2023

Enhancements in Admin Dashboards, Libraries and Skill Review

Updated over a week ago

(07-07-2023) The new release update is scheduled for 2-3 pm CET and contains the following:


  • For teachers and LMS admins

    • Integration and usage Admin dashboards v.2

    • Reviewers column in Skill Review and Assignment Review

    • User experience improvements in Libraries


  • New Skill Review and Assignment Review Workflows

Improvements for teachers and LMS admins

Integration and usage Admin dashboards v.2

A couple of months ago, we announced the launch of a new admin dashboard designed for LTI administrators and IT teams in educational institutions. With this dashboard, you can monitor the usage, health status, and time spent on FeedbackFruits tooling.

We have made some improvements to the dashboards by adding a direct link to our uptime history and also including information regarding the usage increase over the last month. We plan to continue optimizing this feature in future iterations. Our current goal is to ensure that the institutions we partner with have access to transparent and comprehensive information.

(Fig. 1: Admin Dashboard, displaying the monthly usage increase by the arrow.)

(Fig. 2: Admin Dashboard displaying FeedbackFruits' uptime and incidents history.)

It is important to note that the data displayed in the dashboard is cumulative, and the "Time spent" metric also takes into account idle time.

For more information on the Admin Dashboards, please consult this guide here.

Availability: Currently, this feature is only available upon request. If you or your institution are interested, please contact your FeedbackFruits Pilot and Partner Success Manager or your main FeedbackFruits contact person.

Reviewers column in Skill Review and Assignment Review

In our previous release, we announced upcoming workflow iterations for Skill Review and Assignment Review in the coming months. In this release, we are already deploying some parts of this redesign. In the 'Give Reviews' module of Skill Review and Assignment Review, we have included a new ‘Reviewers’ column in the analytics table. This column displays the names of the reviewers – for these tools, teachers, teacher assistants (TA), or other faculty– for each student review.

The new column helps increase transparency by showing the amount of reviewers and their names per individual student. This is especially useful for courses split between different faculty members. By displaying reviewers' names in the task interface, we promote efficient collaboration between teachers or TAs, helping them coordinate their efforts more effectively, avoid duplication, and ensure a consistent evaluation process.

As a teacher, you can view the Reviewers column by navigating to the ‘Give feedback on students’ step. When hovering over, the names of the reviewers will be displayed.

(Fig. 3: new Reviewers column in the 'Give feedback on students' step.)

Availability: This feature will be immediately available for everyone after the release, so for now there is no need to request it. This feature is currently limited to Skill Review and Assignment Review, and is planned to be included in Peer Review and Group Member Evaluation in an upcoming release.

User experience improvements in Libraries and Portfolios

Over the past few months, we've been focusing our efforts on the Libraries within our FeedbackFruits platform. The goal of the Libraries is to facilitate template and rubric management and sharing on individual, departmental, or institutional levels for teachers and Learning Designers.

After releasing these, we have been working on refining them within our Platform. Our goal is to provide a seamless experience, similar to the workflow of the rest of our tool suite. Therefore, we have simplified parts of the workflow, streamlined the user interface, and added new functionalities. Some of these are:

  • Easier access to Settings

  • Collapsable Navigation sidebar

  • New 'Archive' function for the Libraries

  • New onboarding cards within the Platform

(Fig. 4: Library, displaying the collapsable Navigation sidebar, and the settings button.)

Availability: Currently, this feature is only available upon request. If you or your institution are interested, please contact your FeedbackFruits Pilot and Partner Success Manager or your main FeedbackFruits contact person.


New Skill Review and Assignment Review Workflows

We understand the importance of enhancing user experience and optimizing your workflow within our tools. This is why we have carefully listened to your feedback and conducted extensive user research to create a more intuitive and user-friendly solution.

We are thrilled to announce that we are we are working on a tool redesign starting with Skill Review. You can expect similar changes to our other assignment tools such as Assignment Review, Peer Review and Group Member Evaluation.

You may expect to see these changes before the start of the new school year (European Fall semester). Please stay tuned as we continue to share these developments with you. Our aim is to provide a seamless transition for all users, so feel free to reach out to your Partner Account Manager if you have any questions. Thank you for continued support and feedback.

This concludes the July Release Notes v2.92 If you have any questions or experience a technical issue, please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).

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