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Release notes v2.78 June 2022

Adding groups and anonymity in Discussion on Topic, rubrics downloadable in excel, improved rubrics setup and overall improvements.

Updated over a week ago

(08-06-2022) The next release is scheduled in approximately three days. The release will contain the following:

  • Groups in Discussion on Topic

  • Anonymity in Discussion on Topic

  • Improved Skill and Assignment Review teacher tables

  • New and improved rubrics set up UX

  • Downloading rubrics within an assignment as an excel file

  • Users being able to withdraw ratings they gave in Automated Feedback

  • Patch notes: improvements and bugfixes

Groups in Discussion on Topic

It is now possible to use groups in Discussion on Topic. Selecting groups for a Discussion on Topic enables the teacher to use the Discussion on Topic tool in large class sizes. Students can respond to the discussion prompt in the same assignment, while only seeing the contributions made by peers within their group. The selecting of groups works the same as you are used to from other FeedbackFruits tools.

Fig. 1: Set up Groups in Discussion on Topic.

Fig. 2: Groups can complete the assignment separately

Anonymity in Discussion on Topic

Anonymity is now available for the Discussion on Topic tool. Teachers can enable anonymity for submitters on the "Discussion posts" step, and/or replier anonymity on the "Peer discussion" step. The teachers can see both the name of the student and their pseudonym.

Fig.3: Option to enable anonymity for both the submissions and for the peer review.

Posting individually:

  • When the assignment is set up for posting as an individual with Submitters Anonymity enabled all the topics posted by a student will use the same pseudonym. Their replies to those topics will use that same pseudonym, that way other students know that the creator of the post is the one replying.

  • When the assignment is set up for posting as an individual with Replier Anonymity enabled, all the replies of the student to other students' posts will use the same pseudonym. Replies to their own posts will show their real name, that way other students know that the creator of the post is the one replying.

  • When the assignment is set up for posting as an individual with both Submitters Anonymity and Replier Anonymity enabled, students get a pseudonym for posting topics, also used when they reply to their own topics, and a pseudonym for replying to all other students' posts.

Fig. 4: During posting individually both Submitters Anonymity and Replier Anonymity are enabled (double blind).

Posting as a Group

  • When the assignment is set up for posting as a group with Submitters Anonymity enabled, all the topics posted by a group will use the same pseudonym, regardless of the student that posts it. Their replies to those topics will use a different pseudonym per student, that way it is visible that there are multiple students participating in the discussion.

  • When the assignment is set up for posting as a group with Replier Anonymity enabled, it is the same as posting individually. So, all the replies of the student to other students' posts will use the same pseudonym. Replies to their own posts will show their real name, that way other students know that the creator of the post is the one replying.

  • When the assignment is set up for posting as a group with both Submitters Anonymity and Replier Anonymity enabled, each group gets a pseudonym for posting topics, and each student gets a pseudonym for replying to all posts. The pseudonym for replying is the same when they reply to their group posts and other groups' posts.

Fig. 5: While posting as a group both Submitters Anonymity and Replier Anonymity are enabled.

Improved Skill and Assignment Review teacher Tables

We’ve made improvements to the analytics tables for Skill and Assignment Review. We added a button to review a student, group, or submission. The button appears when the teacher hovers over the row for that student or group.

Fig. 6: The Review button appears when hovering over the row of the student or group.

Furthermore, the table shows the number of review comments received, and the submissions that were handed in (when applicable).

Fig. 6: the table shows the number of review comments received, and the submissions that were handed in.

New and improved rubrics set up UX

In the last updates, we’ve included features that make it easier to add, delete, and reorder rubric criteria by adding three buttons in the rubric screen. There is an Add Criterion button to add more criteria, a Bin button to delete sections and a button to add more sections.

Fig. 7: show the section buttons on the upper- and lower right and the add criterion button on the lower left.

Downloading rubrics within an assignment as an excel file in Assignment Tools

Teachers are now able to download rubrics set up within an assignment as an excel file. This counts for Peer Review, Group Member Evaluation, Skill Review and Assignment Review.

Fig. 8: in the set up menu you can export the rubric in an excel file

Please note that the rubric can only be exported after the assignment has been saved. When you click export it in a new assignment the assignment will be saved automatically and immediately.

Withdrawing ratings given in Automated Feedback

When the rate criteria feedback prompt text is changing in Automated Feedback, users are now able to withdraw their earlier provided ratings.

Video. 1: withdrawing ratings given in Automated Feedback

Patch Notes: improvement and bug fixes

FeedbackFruits release notes now include patch notes in order to share some of the smaller improvements and bug fixes with our users as well.

Improved error screen for unpublished activities

Improved error screen for when students enter an activity that has not yet been published by their teacher. Extra language has been added to the error message, to make it easier for students to see why they are getting the screen and what their next steps can be.

Fig. 9: a more clear message that the teacher is still editing the assignment

Improved sidebar language in Interactive Study Material and Comprehension

Improved empty states for Interactive Study Material tools and Comprehension tools sidebar to increase interaction. When opening the sidebar in the Interactive Study Material tools and the Comprehension tool, we now give a nudge to boost interaction with the material.

Fig. 10: You can now contribute by selecting parts of the document

Fig. 11: In an Interactive Video you can now select a contribution type.

Bugfix in Automated Feedback where the ‘reference count check’ did not count references correctly. All reference-related criteria now consider the same (number of) references.

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