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Release Notes v2.69 September 2021
Release Notes v2.69 September 2021

All multimedia in Comprehension, Grading within Comprehension, Analytics export for Comprehension & more

Updated over a week ago

(21-09-2021) The next release is scheduled in approximately three days. The release will contain the following:

  • Support for all multimedia in Comprehension

  • Grading within Comprehension

  • Analytics export for Comprehension

  • Reviewer anonymity in Self-assessment of Skills in groups

  • Retake Quiz setting

  • Groups setup consistency with Assignments for Interactive Study Materials

Support for all multimedia in Comprehension

In preparation to making Comprehension one tool that supports all types of multimedia, audio and images are now supported in Comprehension as separate tools and work exactly the same as the Comprehension of Document/Video.

These new Comprehension types are available in the tool picker on LTI 1.3, our standalone platform and for FeedbackFruits in Microsoft Teams.

Grading within Comprehension

Grading options for all Comprehension assignments has been expanded

We have added the following new grading facets to Comprehension:

  • Viewed the document

  • Made annotations for all topics (at least 1 per topic)

  • Made the required number of annotations

  • Wrote all summaries required

As expected the teacher can toggle these new facet weights as in other assignments. They will then be able to track the progress of the students.

Students will like other assignments not see their grades until they are published.

Analytics export for Comprehension

Like other tools, Comprehension now has an analytics export in .xlsx format available. This analytics export allows the teacher to sort through student summaries and contributions more easily.

In the Comprehension analytics export the selected text in the text is also visible under the 'selection' header. This shows for which part of the text the students made a particular annotations.

Reviewer anonymity in Self-assessment of Skills in groups

In the Self-assessment of Skills tool we have added 'reviewer anonymity', this will allow students to self-assess in a group context anonymously.

Retake Quiz setting

Before, it was always possible to retake a quiz an infinite amount of times, both on Quiz and on the iRAT and tRAT steps of Team Based Learning. Now on Quiz a new setting has been added: "Allow taking multiple times".

This setting is enabled by default and it can be changed at any time, regardless of whether or not the students have started taking the quiz.

For Team Based Learning this setting isn't visible and is disabled by default, which means that both the iRAT can only be done once per student and the tRAT step can only be done once per group.

Groups setup consistency with Assignments for Interactive Study Materials

In order to be able to add groups to multiple tools in the future, we needed to make the way groups are selected consistent across Interactive Study Materials and Feedback Assignments.

The group setup option will now be made part of step 1: Instructions. This also means that the Instructions step will be added by default for all Interactive Study Materials assignments.

This concludes the Release Notes v2.69 September 2021.
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