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Release Notes v2.66 July 2021

'Use copy from existing' templates, Comprehension 2.0, Unify subgroup, Automated Feedback improvements.

Updated over a week ago

(30-06-2021) The next release is scheduled in approximately three days. The release will contain the following:

  • New: 'Use copy from existing' templates

  • Comprehension 2.0: Combined annotate step & document step

  • Comprehension 2.0: highlight annotations inline.

  • Unify subgroup creation

  • Better feedback organisation and navigation in Automated Feedback

  • Pronouns feedback in Automated Feedback

New: 'Use copy from existing' templates

Templates can be created from existing activities; they can then be prioritised and easy to find. This is available across all our tools that can currently be copied. Templates are per user which means users will not see each-others templates. There are two ways that we can create a template:

  • after you save/publish an assignment there is the new ‘create template’ button in the top right of the screen beside the options button

  • when creating a new activity, when we now click the copy from existing button we get the new dialog to choose an activity/template. In this dialog if you select an activity you will have the option to save this activity as a template.

After creating a template it will be pinned and available in your 'Use copy of existing' menu when creating a new assignment. The templates will be listed at the top of the menu and your recently accessed assignment listed below.

Comprehension 2.0: Combined annotate step & document step

Previously, when creating the a Comprehension of Document/Video, uploading the document and setting up the annotation criteria were separated in different steps. These steps have been combined for a better user experience and to match our other tools. The change is purely visual.

Comprehension 2.0: highlight annotations inline.

In Comprehension of Document/Video creating annotations used to be done by selecting a location first and then picking the right topic in the sidebar. This has been simplified now: the sidebar remains as is after you select a location and you get an inline editor where you can pick a topic and add an (optional) explanation.

Unify subgroup creation

This update makes the subgroup creation experience more consistent between assignments and interactive study materials. To facilitate further consistency, the subgroup creation flow is now enabled in both embedded and platform modes.

This means that, where previously it was only possible to use the 'separate annotations per group' setting in Interactive Study Materials in an LMS environment, it is now available everywhere including MS Teams and on platform.

With 'separate annotations per group' enabled, students can only see the question answers and discussion threads created by their group members. Answers to teacher posted discussion threads are not separated. The teacher can use the groups to filter the answers per group in the assignment.

Better feedback organisation and navigation in Automated Feedback

To avoid clutter and allow students to focus on the feedback that they get, we have made sure feedback is organized better, can be navigated better, and is better phrased. This should make sure that when we give more and better feedback, the student is not overwhelmed but motivated to learn.

Pronouns feedback in Automated Feedback

In academic writing the use of first-person (we, I) and second-person pronouns (you) is discouraged depending on the style writing guidelines across faculties. This check gives the option to teaching staff to give feedback when these types of pronouns are used by students.

This concludes the Release Notes v2.66 July 2021.
If you have any questions or experience a technical issue, please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).

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