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Release notes December 2020

New progress tables, Excel Analytics, Feedback Assignment progress updates and more.

Updated over a week ago

(19-11-2020) The next release is scheduled in approximately three days. The release will contain the following:

  • New teacher progress tables for the submit, review and reflect steps

  • Excel analytics downloads

  • Progress & grades dialog in Feedback Assignments reflect step

  • Notice in reflect step of Feedback Assignments when received feedback is not up-to-date

  • Fixed headers in the new review flow overview (feature flag)

  • Group support and analytics export for the quiz tool

  • Removal or phasing out of deprecated features

  • Bug fixes

New teacher progress tables for the submit, review and reflect steps

As part of the Assignments UX changes we are updating the design and data shown to the teacher on the progress tables. We have also updated the titles shown to the teachers for these steps, meaning that now the teacher and the students will see different titles.

It affects:

  • Submit task: Peer Review and Assignment Review

  • Review task: Peer Review, Group Member Evaluation

  • Reflect task: All feedback assignments

The 'hand-in' step has been renamed 'Submissions. In this step teachers now see additional information whether the students handed in on time and how many files have been submitted.

The 'Give feedback to yourself and your peers' has been renamed 'Given reviews'. In this new overview the teacher can select to either see a general overview of score and assignment progression. The teacher can also select a more detailed overview by clicking on 'show criteria'.

In this detailed overview the teacher can see an overview the scores that have been given per student on each feedback criterion.

The 'Read and reflect on received feedback' has been renamed 'Received reviews'. The updated table shows an average of the received review ratings and comments.

Excel analytics downloads

The student analytics export has been changed from CSV format to Excel format. This affects download buttons on Feedback Assignments, Interactive Study Materials.

The analytics now contain different sheets instead of showing all data stacked on top of each other

Progress & grades dialog in Feedback Assignments reflect step

The student progress tracking at the Received Reviews step of Feedback Assignments has been updated. The step now shows more clearly what the students need to do to finish the reflect step and what the grade distribution is for this step.

These changes have also been included in the overview of received reviews in the new Group Member Evaluation review UX

At the top, the student can now see how much progress they have made on the step. By clicking on 'your progress' the student will see more clearly what they need to do to complete the step.

After clicking on 'your progress' the student will see an overview of the actions needed to complete the step.

Notice in reflect step of Feedback Assignments when received feedback is not up-to-date.

Previously, when there is feedback that is given at the moment you're viewing it, you would not be able to finish viewing all feedback until you'd refresh the page.

Now you get a notice in the assignment overview about this, with a button to reload your received feedback.

Fixed headers in the new review flow overview (feature flag)

Most heard feedback on the first Assignments UX iteration. When you scroll down in the review matrix, you couldn't see the person or group you were (re)viewing. This is now solved by showing their names on top of the table when you scroll past the headers with their names.

Group support and analytics export for the Quiz tool

The Quiz tool has received several updates. You can now add and groups to the assignment and analytics will be shown to the teacher about the progress of the questions and answers in the quiz.

Removal or phasing out of deprecated features

  • Creating course groups under courses on the platform has been removed, in favour of using subgroups. This was already feature flagged.

  • User-to-user chat will be turned off for all LTI consumers, awaiting final removal with the next release. Chat was already turned off for new consumers, and will now be turned off for the existing ones too. (This is a different chat function than the one used to chat with our Support team, the chat with the Support team will be unchanged)

  • Student contribution folders have been converted to regular folders.

  • Launching a course (instead of a single activity) in LTI 1.1 when using the /launch root url (without a /[tool] or with /path) has been moved to a feature flag. This means that the one tool launcher will now be shown for LTI 1.1 when using /launch without a tool, instead of a course.

Bug fixes

  • After using copy-from-existing, rather than immediately publishing the activity, the teacher is navigated to edit-mode before publishing.

  • In Discussion assignment when using 'review other groups' there is no longer a delay before a task is registered as 'finished'.

  • In Interactive Study Materials, when the grading facet 'Has placed the minimum number of questions' is enabled, students now clearly see that they have to place questions in order to meet the grading facet.

This concludes the Release notes December 2020.
โ€‹If you have any questions or experience a technical issue, please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).

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