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Release notes November 2020

Manual grading override, automatic grade publishing, upload all media types in Discussion Assignment, group filtering in ISM and more.

Updated over a week ago

(21-10-2020) The next release is scheduled in approximately three days. The release will contain the following:

  • Manual grading override

  • Automatic publishing for grading

  • Upload all media types in Discussion Assignment

  • Filter answers in Interactive Study Material on group

  • Upload all media types for questions in ISM

  • CSV Analytics downloads will have split columns for student name information

  • Bug fixes

  • Pre-announcements for the December release.

Manual grading override

It is now possible for teachers to manually override student grades in FeedbackFruits assignments.

In the final column of the grading table, teacher can adjust the amount of points earned per student. The changes can then be seen in the percentage of the overall grade.

Automatic publishing for grading

Another very exciting feature development is that teachers can now set a future date for grades to be published automatically.

Within the grading table you can set the date by clicking on 'select publish date', after which you will be able to select a date and time. It is also possible to not select a date, which allows you to still manually publish the grades.

Upload all media types in Discussion Assignment

Previously students were only able to upload documents in Discussion Assignment, now students can upload all media files, such as images, videos and audiofiles for discussion.

Students are able to comment on and discuss these files similar to how they have been able to with documents.

Filter answers in Interactive Study Material on group

Teachers are now able to filter students answer on group per assignment or per question.

When selecting a specific question, the teacher can filter on group at the top of the question in the sidebar

When not selecting a specific question, the teacher can filter per group and see the group's contributions.

Upload all media types for questions in ISM

It is now possible to upload other filetypes to practice questions than just images in ISM.

Teachers can add media files such as audio files and videos to questions to elaborate on the question.

CSV Analytics downloads will have split columns for student name information

Student name information will now appear in a separate column in the CSV download in CSV analytics downloads for Feedback Assignments & Discussion Assignments

Bug fixes

  • All previously created ISM activities are now showing up in the 'use copy of existing' list.

  • When the teacher clicks on the given reviews of a group at step 3 in Self-assessment of Work, the reviews will now display correctly again.

Pre-announcement for the December release.

The following changes will not be released in November, but in the upcoming December release.

Upcoming changes to the Teacher Perspective in Feedback Assignments

New Titles of Steps

All Feedback Assignments in FeedbackFruits consist of several steps which are visible to both students and teachers. In the next release, we are changing the titles of these steps to be more descriptive to teachers. These title changes will only apply to the teacher perspective and student titles will remain as they are. Examples of such a title change include:

  • Changing “Hand in” to “Handed in files” in step 2 in Peer Review

  • Changing “Give Feedback to Peers” to "Given Reviews" at step 2 or step 3 in Peer Review

In addition to the title changes, teachers will also see icons illustrating each step. These changes also apply to the overview of an assignment when viewing the list of activities within a folder as a teacher.

Teacher Progress Tables UX update

The next release will also include updated analytics tables that will further improve the user experience for teachers and address some of the friction points that teachers encountered in the previous version. The main changes being:

  • The new analytics tables will include information about all students/groups that have started working on the step. This is a combination of students who have started to work on the step and those who have completed it. In the old tables this was split across “students that were still in progress’ and ‘students completed their hand-in step.”

  • For teachers there’s no need to reload the page anymore as the new analytics tables will be updated as soon as students engage with the assignment.

  • There will now be a clear distinction between the teacher and student comments in the analytics table of the “Given Reviews” and “Received Reviews and reviewer ratings” step.

  • The new analytics tables can be sorted by any of its columns, with the “Everyone” row remaining on top (even with multiple pages) so that teachers can easily access it no matter where they are in the table.

In addition to these updates, new improvements are in the works for Peer Review and Group Member Evaluation which we hope to share with you soon. In the meantime, for Group Member Evaluation, there is a beta feature flag that we encourage you to try out.

Changing all Teacher Analytics exports from CSV to XLSX format
Based on incoming feedback about usability concerns with the current CSV exports, which allow teachers to gather data from FeedbackFruits learning activities as a downloadable file, we are changing these downloads to an XLSX file format.

With some teachers depending on these exports for their workflows, we want to give early notice about this change. Our intention is to remove CSV exports, and replace them with XLSX format exports in the December release. Within this XLSX, all the same data will be included as in the CSV, yet separated over different work sheets (tabs), for easier navigation.

This change will also allow us to make more changes to our Analytics exports in the future, incorporating more data and styling to meet feature requests. If you have concerns about this upcoming change, or want to discuss related feature requests/questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to support.

This concludes the Release notes November 2020.
If you have any questions or experience a technical issue, please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).

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