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Release notes October 2020

Student export to PDF, more control over the required amount student hand-ins and bug fixes

Updated over a week ago

(24-09-2020) The next release is scheduled in approximately three days. The release will contain the following:

  • Student can export their feedback to PDF

  • Teachers can set a minimum or a maximum amount of files to submit

  • Several bug fixes

Student export to PDF

Students can download their received feedback in PDF format. This will be available for all feedback assignments. Students can download their feedback at step 4 'read and reflect on received feedback'. When viewing their document in step 4, a download button will be available at the top of the sidebar.

Teachers are able to download the feedback for a specific student too, and filtering and downloading specific reviews is also possible.

Teachers can set a minimum or a maximum amount of files to submit

Teacher now have more control over setting the required amount of submissions for a hand-in assignment. Student will also have more insight on what they are required to submit for an assignment.


The teacher can set the required number of files at the hand in step and prevent students from handing in too many. The teacher can set an exact number of files or set the amount to be between certain numbers.


Students will now see the required amount of submission at the hand in step, when the maximum is reached they are not able to add more files. They will also receive a warning when trying to upload more files than allowed.

When uploading a file students will see the submission types that the teacher has enabled for the assignment.

For existing assignments submissions required option is set to 'minimum', for new assignments default is 'exactly'

Several bug fixes

  • When copying an existing Interactive Study Materials activity, the annotations no longer lose their selection and end up in the sidebar.

  • In Feedback Assignments, issues with loading grading rubrics are now resolved.

  • In a Group Member Evaluation assignment with group contribution factors, the values that have been set are correctly displaying in the CSV data export

This concludes the Release notes October 2020.
​If you have any questions or experience a technical issue, please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).

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