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Explanation Cards | Set-up

Add Explanation Cards to your Skill Review or Assignment Review assignment

Updated over a week ago

​This article will explain how to set up the Explanation Cards functionality.

To find more information on other beta functionalities you can visit an overview here.
For a more in-depth look at using Explanation Cards from a teacher and student perspective, visit this article.

When setting up a Skill Review or Assignment Review assignment in your learning management system you can choose to add Explanation Cards under the "give feedback to students" section. Where you see "add explanation cards", just click on "create".

Fig.1: Teacher view of the setup showing the "add explanation cards" option.

This will bring up a window which allows you to view, create, and edit Explanation Cards. To proceed with creating them, click on "create card".

Fig.2: The overview screen for viewing, creating, editing and deleting cards.

After clicking "create card", you are required to provide a title specifying what the feedback is about. You may choose to add a further explanation too. When you're done, click on "save" to go back to the previous screen, or "save and add another" if you'd like to add more. 

Fig.3: The screen displayed when adding a feedback card. A title is mandatory.

That's it! You've now created one or more feedback cards ready to use within Skill Review or Assignment Review. 

This concludes the Explanation Cards (beta, feature flagged) | Set-up tutorial.
If you have any questions or experience a technical issue, please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).

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