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Release notes September 2019
Updated over a week ago

(23-09-2019) The next release is scheduled within approximately 5 days. This release will contain the following:

  • Improved mentions in all tools 

  • Texts, topics, announcements and student folders (for Platform users)

  • Various bug fixes and improvements

Improved mentions

The written @p1 or @min in the annotation itself is replaced by a clickable chip instead. 

Fig. 1: The clickable chip mention for a specific page

Texts, topics, announcements and student folders

This is only relevant for the users of our platform. The text blocks feature has been removed, the already existing text blocks have been converted to topics and can still be found. The student contribution folders can no longer be created, existing ones will remain like before. Announcements and topics have moved to be feature flags. This means that they can only be used by teachers who have enabled them in the past or ask for the feature to be enabled. Lastly, the "add to course" screen, and the + button to browse more, no longer has a search function.

The reason for these alterations is because we are moving away from the use of the platform. All our tools are integrated into the LMS and we are focussing to improve the experience there, as this is the main way of usage.

This concludes the Release notes September 2019.
If you have any questions or experience a technical issue, please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).

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