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Release notes v2.38.0

Configurable Grading within Assignment & Skill Review, student ids in export, public submissions, reviews disabled and overall improvements

Updated over a week ago

(19-06-2019) The next release is scheduled within approximately 3 days. This release will contain the following:

  • Configurable Grading within Assignment & Skill Review (beta, feature flagged)

  • Student SIS ids in the export 

  • Public submissions only for submitters 

  • Reviews can be disabled for criteria 

  • Overall improvements and bug fixes

Configurable grading within Assignment & Skill Review (beta, feature flagged)

Within Assignments, the Configurable Grading functionality (beta, feature flagged) is now supported by the teachers variants i.e. Assignment Review and Skill Review. It works similarly to the variants where students review each other i.e. Peer Review and Group Member Evaluation. 

Within the grading functionality, handing in the assignment and viewing the received feedback can be weighed in the total grade as facets. Furthermore, you are able assign a certain rating of percentage points (pp) to each criterion, so it each criterion can be weighed within the total grade, as seen in figure 3. 

Whenever the teacher pleases, they can publish the grades. These wil be synchronised back to the LMS, where these grades will be supported with details on the different facets and their scores. 

Fig. 1: Press the 'plus' button under step 4 in Assignment Review and step 3 in Skill Review to add the functionality

Fig. 2: The functionality will appear

Fig. 3: You can manually assign pp to each facet, as long as the total weighs up to 100%

Fig. 4: Press 'publish' in the top-right corner to publish the grades

Students SIS ids in the export

To help teachers to differentiate between students more easily, the csv. export does not only show the names of students, but also their student ids. 

Public submissions only for submitters

Teachers now have the possibility to make all submission public after the deadline, just to the students who have submitted something. Before, the teacher only had the possibility to make the submissions public to all students regardless. 

Fig. 5: The option 'submitted work is visible after deadline to students who've handed in' has been added

Reviews can be disabled for criteria

Teachers are now able to disable reviews for a certain criterion. Before, students were always possible to place a comment under criteria. When the teacher has disabled reviews, the students will not see the 'write' button anymore, thus not being able to comment. 

Fig. 6: When the box 'allow comments' is ticked, students can comment underneath the criterion. You can also require a number of comments. When this box is not ticked, students will not be able to place a comment

This concludes the Release notes v2.38.0.
If you have any questions or experience a technical issue, please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).

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