(13-03-2019) The next release is scheduled within approximately 4 days. This release will contain the following:
Account for the availability of enrollments in a Blackboard course
Criteria (for Assignments) + categories (for Comprehension) dialog smoothing
Smoother scrolling in documents and annotation flow smoothing
Removing activities if they have been removed from the LMS
Labels for beta functionality
Reviewer Anonymity no longer in beta
Overall improvements and bug fixes
Accounts for the availability of enrollment in a Blackboard course
Students in Blackboard who've been set to availability: no, do not get their enrollment synced and should be removed from any groups. The enrollments are not deleted if the student is removed from the course in the LMS. FeedbackFruits can stil assist in removing students from groups, if they are removed from the group in the LMS.
Criteria (for Assignments) and categories (for Comprehension) dialog smoothing
When setting the criteria in a new Assignment, you are able to change the order of the criteria by moving them up or down as shown in Fig. 1 below. Next to that the lay out of the criteria have been improved. The same holds for the categories in Comprehension assignments.
Fig. 1: Improved view of criteria and categories for Assignments and Comprehension.
Fig. 2: Changing the order of criteria in Assignments
Smoother scrolling in documents and annotation flow smoothing
The scrolling in documents has been improved which will result in an improved user experience. The annotation flow smoothing results in the ability to reply on replies (e.g. document > reply > reply on reply). Moreover, in the sidebar, you do not have to click on comments to view them. Now the comments are truncated after 6 lines, having a read more
button that adds 20 lines after being clicked. Some other improvements, a few of them visible in Fig. 3 below, containing an extra border on selection instead of shadow, sidebar shadow, annotation to the specific page (@p2 for instance) not removable from comment.
Fig. 3: Annotation flow smoothing
Removing activities if they have been removed form the LMS
As a teacher, when I remove an assignment or module from my LMS course, it will no longer show up in my copy from existing if the feature flag is enabled. As a teacher, when I remove an assignment or module from my LMS course, it will no longer send any deadline email (even if 3 students or 10% of my students did open it).
Labels for beta functionalities
A standard way of labeling our beta functionalities, when enabled under the feature flag.
Fig. 4: beta labeling as shown in tool.
Reviewer Anonymity no longer in beta
This is the first feature flagged functionality to graduate out of beta, into general availability. Reviewer Anonymity entails that reviewers see who they are reviewing but are anonymous to the receiver.
This concludes the Release notes v2.34.0.
If you have any questions or experience a technical issue, please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).