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Release notes v2.33.0

Sync on user ID, submit task analytics tables, Brightspace sections, Platform and LMS smoothing and announcements for next release

Updated over a week ago

(06-02-2019) The next release is scheduled within approximately 3 days. This release will contain the following: 

  • Sync based on user ID in LMS

  • Submit task analytics tables (Peer Feedback and Assignment Feedback)

  • Brightspace sections

  • Platform + LMS smoothing

  • Grades are no longer marked as late in Canvas

  • Improvement of Interactive Presentations engine (beta)

  • Announcements for next release: reviewer anonymity out of beta and improved names assignment tools

  • Overall improvements and bug fixes

Sync based on user ID in LMS

Users within LMS are now synced on their static user ID provided by the LMS. Previously we used emails which can be changed and are more prone to errors. This technical refactor also fixes the issue regarding users that are active on a test environment and a production environment.  

Submit task analytics tables

The submit task analytics for Peer Feedback and Assignment Feedback are now shown in a table, consistent with the other analytic tables in the assignment tools. Teachers can easily see which documents have been handed in per group and by whom. The teachers also have the ability to sort on group or user name for submissions.

Fig. 1: New submit task analytics as shown for a group.

Brightspace sections

As a teacher you are now able to use sections in the same manner as groups within Brightspace. Sections are shown in the tools the same way as the groups and can be picked as groups can be picked for the assignments. 

Fig. 2: Sections as shown in Brightspace. 

Platform and LMS smoothing

To improve the user experience on the platform and in LMSs, the content has padding towards the screen edges and the app-bar, based on the width of the screen. The content in in-assignment app-bars thereby is more responsive. The app-bars in LMSs are white and improved. This all is meant to simplify the user experience. 

Fig. 3: White app-bar as shown in an LMS.

Grades are no longer marked as late in Canvas

As a teacher, when setting the review deadline to the same deadline in Canvas, student grades will no longer come in as late. Improving the integration between Canvas and FeedbackFruits and grades showing properly in the Canvas Grade Center. 

Improvement of Interactive Presentations engine (beta)

This is an architectural change, after refactoring the new engine architecture, this should ensure scalability and stability when using Interactive Presentations.

Announcements for next release: reviewer anonymity out of beta and improved names for assignment tools

Reviewer Anonymity will move out of beta for Peer Feedback and Group Member Evaluation in the next release (v2.34.0). The functionality has been tested extensively under the feature flag and has proven to be stable and a valuable addition to the tools. This means the functionality will be available to turn on for all teachers in their Peer Feedback and Group Member Evaluation assignments.

From the next release, v2.34.0, on FeedbackFruits will refer to Peer Feedback and Assignment Feedback as Peer Review and Assignment Review. All institutes who want to change these names in their LMSs are welcome to do so by changing the names in the LMS configuration of the tools.

Overall improvements and bug fixes

Noteworthy: profile pictures within an LMS are now synced regularly, not just once. 

This concludes the Release notes v2.33.0.
If you have any questions or experience a technical issue, please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).

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