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Release notes v2.31.0

Documents converted to HTML, Support subgroups for multimedia, select 'all' to review, Canvas sections as groups

Updated over a week ago

(13-12-2018) The next release is scheduled within approximately 3 days. This release will contain the following: 

  • Canvas profile picture import 

  • Accessibility improvements 

  • Documents as HTML (text selection) & further improvements 

  • API-only Multimedia Subgrouping 

  • Canvas section support for use as subgroups 

  • (N-1 feature): require ALL students to review each other (Group Member Evaluation and Peer Feedback)

  • Instantly assign all available peers (Group Member Evaluation and Peer Feedback) 

  • Allow students who didn't hand-in, to participate in reviewing (Peer Feedback) 

  • Overall improvements and bug fixes

Canvas profile picture import

This requires reconfiguration of the URLs of all LTI tools. Once reconfigured, FeedbackFruits imports the profile picture of a user (teacher or student) to make the user experience more social. When an assignment is anonymous, profile pictures will not be shown.

Accessibility improvements

The main accessibility improvements are made within interactive documents. Creating selections is now possible using only the keyboard, as well as moving and resizing the selection. In order to know the shortcuts for these actions a dialog with all shortcuts can be shown by typing [?] anywhere in the platform. Also visual improvements for a better user experience are made, including highlighting selections and corresponding annotations, being able to drag the scrollbar, better scaling the document in a limited space, and having a horizontal scrollbar when zoomed in.

Other accessibility improvements can be noticed by screen reader users only. These include changes in headings to provide a more clear page structure and an introduction of live regions when logging in, waiting for a document to load, writing a reflection with a changing word count, and reading out changing deadlines.

Fig. 1: Accessibility improvements in Interactive Documents. 

Documents as HTML (text selection) & further improvements 

Documents are now converted into HTML, so users relying on a screen reader can now actually read a document within FeedbackFruits. This also makes text selection possible, either using the mouse or the keyboard with screen reader. After selecting, you can also attach an annotation to it.

Fig. 2: Text selection in Interactive Documents. 

API-only Multimedia Subgrouping 

It is now possible to use groups in Interactive Documents, Interactive Video and Interactive Audio! This feature is only available when the FBF API is enabled in your LMS. Selecting groups for an Interactive Document enables the teacher to use the Interactive Document tool in large class sizes. Students can all ask and respond to questions in the same document, while only seeing the contributions made by peers within their group.  

Fig. 3 Group settings in Interactive Documents (when API is enabled).

Canvas section support for use as subgroups

Canvas sections can be used to divide students from a course in different groups. In case you are not using Canvas groups, but you are using Canvas sections: it is now possible to take over Canvas sections within FeedbackFruits as well. 

Fig. 4 When selecting groups from Canvas when setting up a Peer Feedback assignment, you also see 'sections'.

(N-1 feature): require ALL students to review each other (Group Member Evaluation and Peer Feedback)

If group sizes differ, this option enables you to choose the option that all peers review each other within a group. Similarly, if you want all peers or groups in the whole assignment to review each other/be reviewed, this new feature makes this possible.
Currently, it is only possible to fill out a set number of reviews required. This new feature thus brings in more flexibility and supports the use-case of having groups of different sizes in Group Member Evaluation. 

Fig. 5: Group Member Evaluation, teacher view, settings at step 2. 

Instantly assign all available peers (Group Member Evaluation and Peer Feedback) 

Students will see all peers that they are going to review right away if this option is enabled. Currently, students are assigned a peer to review one by one. With this new feature, students can themselves choose the order in which they review their peers. Note: we advise against enabling this option when it does not concern an assignment in which all students are reviewing each other. If disabled, the Just In Time principle can do its work and distribute peers amongst each other more evenly. 

Allow students who didn't hand-in, to participate in reviewing (Peer Feedback) 

Currently, students can't review the work of others when they themselves have not submitted work. With feature makes it optional to include all students, also those who have not submitted anything, in the review process. 

Fig. 6: Peer Feedback, teacher view, settings at step 3. 

This concludes the Release notes v2.31.0.
If you have any questions or experience a technical issue, please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).

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