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Self-Assessment of Work | Teacher Perspective
Self-Assessment of Work | Teacher Perspective

How to review student activity in Self-Assessment of work?

Updated over a week ago

This article will walk you through how you can monitor your students' progress, view and download their submissions, and view their self-evaluation.

Student Progress Overview

In the top-right corner of the screen, you can click the focus button to display the assignment in full-screen mode. Click the three dots to edit the assignment.

At the top of the assignment, you will see the Overall student progress overview. Click on Statistics per active student to see individual students' progress. Here you can see the individual overall grade collected, if students have read the instructions, handed in their work, finished the self-assessment, and finally if students have read their self-evaluation.

Click on the headers in each column to change the order (ascending or descending) in which students are displayed.

It is also possible to export all the student data into an excel file. This file contains information concerning student uploads, review ratings, review comments and grading. You can download this export by clicking on the 'download' button in the overall student progress window.

Step 1: Instructions

Here you'll see the instructions you set when you configured the assignment. You can change these by clicking the three dots in the top-right corner of the screen.

Step 2: Submissions

Here you see an overview of all the students who have handed in their work, and which students have not handed in their work. For students that submitted work, you see if they handed it in late or on time. If the deadline has not yet passed, you can click postpone next to the deadline to change the deadline. If the deadline has passed, but you want students to be able to still submit their work, you can now grant individual deadline extensions for specific students. This can be done by clicking on grant extension above the download button.

If you want to download the student submissions, click on download. The submissions will be in a zip file, the files in this zip file are named in the format [Student First Name Last Name] Original file name.

You can also view student submissions online. Click on the file icon under files handed in to see which files they submitted. Click view to display the submitted work. Note that If the student submitted a video, you will see the video player instead of the document.

Step 3: Given Reviews

In step 3 you see which students finished their self-assessment, how many criteria they finished, the average time they spent per review, and the total number of comments they wrote. Click the headers to change the order (ascending or descending) in which students are displayed. Clicking on view all will show you a heatmap of the given student ratings.

You can click on the review progress to see whose work the student has been assigned to review and then click view to read the review. Clicking on show criteria will show you a heatmap of the given student ratings.

By clicking on the three dots in the review progress, you can also enable show ratings per criterion. Scrolling to the side will show the average of ratings given by the student per criterion.

Step 4: Received Reviews

Here you see an overview of which students have read all their self-evaluations, and which have not (yet) done so. Click the headers for the columns to reverse the order (ascending or descending) in which students are displayed.

In the overview, you can also see how many comments the students have added to their self-assessment. When selecting view all, another heatmap looking exactly like the one from the previous step can be accessed.

Click on the progress statement (review progress) under received reviews to bring up the following screen. Click view to display the work that the student handed in (including their self-assessment).

When clicking on view, you will see the submitted work on the left and the review on the right. The review exists of comments, listed per criterion.

You can also see the comments the student left and you can interact with them by upvoting (thumbs up) or replying to them.

Step 5: Reflections on the assignment (optional)

Writing a reflection is a valuable step to end an assignment with. The student can for instance write a reflection on how the whole process of self-evaluation went. The teacher sees this reflection in an overview in step 5 as shown in the image below. Here the teacher can see which groups and specific students have made progress on completing their reflection. Only groups of which students have made progress with this step are shown like the image below. When wanting to read the reflection of a specific student, clicking on “completed” next to the name of the student will give you their reflection.


If you've included grading in the settings, then it will be visible after the final step. In the image below you can see how this will look like. By clicking the arrow on the right or by the use of the scrollbar at the bottom, you can view the rest of the grade sections (from left to right). At the far right, there is also an 'optional grade adjustment' . You can add or subtract points for each student.

This concludes the Copying of activities with LTI 1.3 tutorial.
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