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Feature: Configurable Grading Facets
Feature: Configurable Grading Facets

A step by step guide on how our grading facets work.

Updated over a week ago


In this article we will walk you through FeedbackFruits' grading facets per tool, highlighting how do they work, where do grades come from, and how can students obtain points (none, partial or full grade).

Grading facets attribute points (or grades) to each of the different actions that students can complete within a FeedbackFruits assignment. The total sum of all the grading facet calculations results in the final grade of an assignment.

How Does It Work?

Our grading facets calculate assignment grades automatically. You only need to select which grading facets you want to use, and the total weight of each facet on the percentage of the total grade.

Where Can I Find The Feature?



Configurable Grading>Configure within all tools except Group Formation Tool

Grading within all tools except Group Formation Tool

The Feature In Action

How Does it Look?

The Configurable Grading module differs per tool, since each tool has different actions for students to complete. In this section of the guide we will walk through each of them.

Peer Review

Group Member Evaluation

Assignment Review

Skill Review

Self-Assessment of Skill

Self-Assessment of Work

Automated Feedback

Interactive Video

Interactive Document

Interactive Audio


Discussion of Work

Discussion of Topic

Interactive Presentation

Team Based Learning


Usage: What does each grading facet mean and how are they calculated?

Find here a description of each grading facet in further detail, including where does each grade come from or how is it calculated. Due to the modularity of our tooling, many grading facets appear in several tools. For that reason, we have organized them here per heading section.


  • Has submitted exactly X files: students obtain full grade when submitting the right amount of files required by the teacher. This includes at least, exact and in-between amount of files. If they partially complete this task (i.e. submitting less files than required), they will NOT obtain any points for this step.

  • Has completed submission step on time: students obtain full grade when submitting the right amount of files required by the teacher within the submission deadline. This includes at least, exact and in-between amount of files. If they partially complete this task (i.e. submitting less files than required) or submit after the deadline passed, they will NOT obtain any points for this step.

Given reviews

  • Has completed giving feedback to self and X groups on X criteria: students obtain full grade when completing giving feedback to themselves and all the required peers, based on all the required criteria and comments. If they partially complete this task, they will obtain a proportionate part of the grade.

  • Ratings received from self-assessment: students obtain a percentage per criterion based on the ratings they provided themselves in self-assessment. If they partially complete this task, they will obtain a proportionate part of the grade.

  • Average ratings received from reviewers: students obtain a percentage per criterion that is an average of all the ratings they received from their reviewers. If a peer does not review them, it will not negatively affect the student (e.g. counting as a zero). Nonetheless, the ratings average could be skewed due to less reviewers.

  • Average ratings received as a reviewer: students obtain an average of all the ratings they have received, based on the quality of the feedback they provided their peers. These ratings are given by the peers who received the feedback. If a peer does not review them, it will not negatively affect the student (e.g. counting as a zero). Nonetheless, the ratings average could be skewed due to less reviewers.

Give feedback on students/students work (for Assignment Review and Skill Review)

  • Average ratings received from reviewers: students obtain a percentage per criterion. In the case that more than one teacher reviews them, students will receive an average percentage of all the ratings they received. 

Received reviews and reviewer ratings

  • Has read all received feedback: students obtain full grade when reading all feedback they received. If they partially complete this task, they will obtain a proportionate part of the grade.

  • Has rated their reviewer(s): students obtain full grade when completing rating the peers who reviewed them, based on the quality of their feedback. If they partially complete this task, they will obtain a proportionate part of the grade.

Participation grading

  • Has selected their X best contributions for grading: students obtain full grade when selecting the required amount of their best contributions. If they partially complete this task, they will NOT obtain any points for this step.

  • Ratings received from teacher on selected contributions: students obtain a grade given by the teacher on the quality of the contributions selected by themselves. The teacher will rate these contributions with an unmodifiable 1-10 points scale. The result of that scale will be proportionately calculated according to the weight of this grading facet towards the final grade. If they partially complete this task, the teacher will NOT be able to rate their contributions, and consequently, students will NOT obtain any points for this step.


  • Has written the required reflection: students obtain full grade when submitting their reflection. If they don't meet the minimum amount of words required, they will not be able to submit their reflection. And consequently, will NOT obtain any points for this step.


  • Has viewed the video: students obtain full grade when starting to watch the Interactive Video posted by the teachers. They do not need to watch the entire video to obtain the full grade. 

  • Has viewed the document: students obtain full grade when starting to view the Interactive Document posted by the teachers. They do not need to read the entire document to obtain the full grade.

  • Has listened to the audio clip: students obtain full grade when starting to listen the Interactive Audio posted by the teachers. They do not need to listen to the entire audio to obtain the full grade.

  • Has answered all X question cards placed by teachers: students obtain full grade when answering all the questions cards posted by the teacher. If they partially complete this task (i.e. not answering all the questions), they will obtain a proportionate part of the grade.

  • Has participated in X discussion thread started by teachers: students obtain full grade when replying to all the discussion threads posted by the teacher. If they partially complete this task (i.e. not replying to all the threads), they will obtain a proportionate part of the grade.

  • Has written the minimum number of replies on discussion threads: X: students obtain full grade when writing the minimum amount required of replies to discussion threads. If they partially complete this task (i.e. not completing the minimum amount of comments), they will obtain a proportionate part of the grade.

  • Has started the minimum number of discussion threads: X: students obtain full grade when started the minimum amount required of discussion threads. If they partially complete this task (i.e. not starting the minimum amount of threads), they will obtain a proportionate part of the grade.

  • Has placed the minimum number of question cards: X: students obtain full grade when posting the minimum amount required of question cards. If they partially complete this task (i.e. not starting the minimum amount of threads), they will obtain a proportionate part of the grade.

  • Score on multiple choice questions: students obtain a percentage on the results of their multiple-choice answers. If they partially complete this task (i.e. not answering all the questions), they will obtain a proportionate part of the grade. If scratch-mode is turned on, they will receive a grade penalization for each wrong answer.

  • Score on open questions (self-scored by student): students obtain a percentage on the results of their open question answers. They will score these questions by themselves right after answering them within the interactive assignment. If they partially complete this task (i.e. not answering all the questions), they will obtain a proportionate part of the grade.


  • Has viewed: students obtain full grade when starting to view the Comprehension file posted by the teachers. They do not need to view the entire file to obtain the full grade.

  • Completed assignment/Finished annotating: students obtain full grade when they finish all the annotations and summaries required by the teacher. If they partially complete this task, they will NOT obtain any points for this step.

  • Made annotations for all topics: students obtain full grade when annotating for all the comprehension topics, including the non-required ones. If they partially complete this task, they will obtain a proportionate part of the grade.

  • Made the required number of annotations: students obtain full grade when writing the minimum amount required of annotations. If they partially complete this task, they will obtain a proportionate part of the grade.

  • Wrote all summaries: students obtain full grade when writing a summary for all the comprehension topics. If they partially complete this task, they will obtain a proportionate part of the grade.

Peer discussion (Discussion of Work)

  • Completed participation in discussion/Completed discussion: students obtain full grade when completing discussing the work of all the peers that were required and also rated their work. If they partially complete this task (i.e. not completing all the required discussions or not rating), they will NOT obtain any points for this step.
    Note that in the Teacher View, Grading module, it appears as 'Completed discussion'.

  • Has written the minimum number of comments: students obtain full grade when writing the minimum amount required of comments. This accounts for comments and discussion replies.

  • Ratings received from peers/Grade the document: students obtain a percentage that is an average of all the ratings they received from their peers on their Discussion submission. If a peer does not review them, it will not negatively affect the student (e.g. counting as a zero). Nonetheless, the ratings average could be skewed due to less reviewers.
    Note that in the Teacher View, Grading module, it appears as 'Grade the document'. This still means ratings received from peers, not students receiving points for completing rating other documents.

Open discussion (Discussion of Work)

  • Completed participation in extra discussion: students obtain full grade when participating in the open discussion by providing comments to any peer. It does not depend on defined student allocations.

Discussion posts (Discussion of Topic)

  • Create posts steps completed: students obtain full grade when creating a discussion post based on the teacher's prompt. If they don't meet the minimum amount of words required, they will not be able to submit their discussion post, and will NOT obtain any points for this step.

  • Create posts step completed on time: students obtain full grade when creating a discussion post based on the teacher's prompt, within the deadline.

Valuable contributions

  • Most valuable contributions: students obtain points when their contributions are selected by other peers as most valuable. You can configure the minimum and maximum number of times a student must be selected as 'most valuable contribution' to obtain points. If a student is selected the maximum amount of times or more, they will receive the full grade for this facet. 
    Note that in the Teacher View, Grading module, it appears as 'Selected contributions'. This still means that they have been selected by their peers, not that students are receiving points for completing the selection of contributions.

Peer discussion (Discussion of Topic)

  • Peer discussion step completed/Completed discussion: students obtain full grade when engaging in the required amount of discussions. This includes Assigned or Free form discussions. If they partially complete this task, they will NOT obtain any points for this step.
    Note that in the Teacher View, Grading module, it appears as 'Completed discussion'.


  • Attended a live presentation: students obtain full grade when attending the Interactive Presentation when it is being presented live by the teacher.

  • Answered all presented question slides: students obtain full grade when answering all the questions within the presentation. If they partially complete this task (i.e. not answering all the questions), they will obtain a proportionate part of the grade.

  • Score on multiple choice questions: students obtain a percentage on the results of their multiple choice questions. If they partially complete this task (i.e. not answering all the questions), they will obtain a proportionate part of the grade.

Individual Readiness Assessment Test (iRAT)

  • Score from Individual Readiness Assessment Test (iRAT): students obtain a percentage on the results of their iRAT. If they partially complete this task (i.e. not answering all the questions), they will obtain a proportionate part of the grade.

Team Readiness Assessment Test (tRAT)

  • Team score from Team Readiness Assessment Test (tRAT): students obtain a percentage on the results of their tRAT. If they partially complete this task (i.e. not answering all the questions), they will obtain a proportionate part of the grade.


  • Quiz: students obtain a percentage on the results of their quiz. If they partially complete this task (i.e. not answering all the questions), they will obtain a proportionate part of the grade. If scratch-mode is turned on, they will receive a grade penalization for each wrong answer.

This concludes the Feature: Configurable Grading article.
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