In week 31 (30th of July till 5th of August), we are migrating from to!
What is this about?
Till recently, beta features and production tools were in one environment and (in most cases) accessible for all our users. This speeds up innovation and makes it possible for teachers to try out the newest functionalities. However, we want to ensure more stability.
That is why we introduced feature flagging. New features are now flagged and only accessible for those who want to help us validate this functionality before we roll out to all institutions. Currently, this system is already in place for some new features we've introduced over the last months. From the first week of August onwards, feature flagging will be the norm and all new features will first be flagged and tested at an institution before visible and accessible to all users.
Migrating to our main domain marks the start of this new era. As from August our beta and production environment are separated officially.
What does this mean for you?
More stability guaranteed when using our tools; whether you use it in a LMS, through our platform or through our .direct websites.
If you want to help validating beta-features, this is still possible! Keep track of our production release notes and contact our support department if there is a tool or feature you would like to test.
Navigate to a different URL: This will be our single entrance page from August onwards, for both our 1.0 platform ( and our 2.0 platform (currently No worries though, we will still redirect you to the right page.
Possible downtime... Most likely, migrating will go unnoticed. We always plan our releases and maintenance like this during the night, to avoid as less disturbance as possible. Since this is quite a heavy undertaking, be prepared for possible downtime. We will communicate an exact date 3 days ahead.
This concludes the Migrating 2.0 to! article.
βIf you have any questions or experience a technical issue, please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).